Stargate Atlantis - Broken Circles (19/?)

May 15, 2007 23:57

A/N: It's not overly long but I felt like I should maybe! (I promise it will not be 6 months before I update again)

Title: Broken Circles
Author: muldy/Angel of Fire SG1
Pairings: Sheppard/Weir, Ronon/Teyla, Cadman/Beckett
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Nothing more than general season 2

Summary: The city was gone, destroyed, leaving ( Read more... )

brokencircles, fic, sga

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Comments 18

vickysg1 May 15 2007, 17:58:15 UTC
New Chapter!!! Yeah!!
And I love that it was Elizabeth who asked him to marry her!
But now, I wonder what might have happened to the others! Update soon? *puppy dog eyes*


muldy May 15 2007, 22:13:53 UTC
Hehe you're just gonna have to wait to see what happens to the others. *evil grin*

I'm glad you enjoyed it!


barker9 May 15 2007, 19:19:31 UTC
Yippie!!! More Broken Circles, and marriage. :D

As always, enjoyed it and your writing. Hope to see more, whenever you get it out. :) *hugs*

Now, Ronon and Teyla... lol!


muldy May 15 2007, 22:14:47 UTC
What would a big long epic fic be without marriage? Well...not that they're married yet - all sorts of bad things can happen between now and marriage ;-)

Thanks Ash! *hugs back*


ankareeda May 15 2007, 22:12:09 UTC
*squeeeeeeee* *fails* *gasp* *thud* What a wonderful chapter, meep so awesome. *loves* *melts* *happy sigh*


muldy May 15 2007, 22:15:22 UTC
LOL Andy! *hugs* You're so cute!!


xfkirsten May 17 2007, 07:13:51 UTC
YAAAAY! New chapter!!! I love that it was Elizabeth that proposed to John, and not the other way around. :D


muldy May 17 2007, 07:15:34 UTC
Hehe well I figured if I was gonna write corny cliche's I might as well twist it slightly ;-)


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