More ficlets...

Feb 07, 2007 19:34

For _phantom_

Pairing: John/Aeryn
Prompt: Rain

Rain )

farscape, fic, prisonbreak

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Comments 15

smirky_turkey February 7 2007, 11:21:59 UTC

Now all I need is some RPF about just how many times they had to shoot that bathroom scene. Those darn cameramen, eh? :P



muldy February 7 2007, 11:47:29 UTC
Now how did I know that was from you?? ;)


msgenevieve February 7 2007, 14:29:17 UTC
They're both lovely, but I'm particularly loving the Michael/Sara ficlet.

Oh, and if I may add my vote for some RPF? Thanks.


muldy February 7 2007, 14:32:25 UTC
I added you into the filter *cough*


guinevere79 February 7 2007, 16:27:38 UTC
Followed this link from msgen's journal. Lovely ficlet, I'm still on a high from this episode that I've been reading everything I can about it.


guinevere79 February 7 2007, 16:36:42 UTC
Adding my vote for some RPF as well. :)


andsheloves February 8 2007, 01:34:40 UTC
Oh, I love it. YAIY! So sweet and nice. :) I love love love it. Thank you.

And add me to the filter? I'm not usually into RPF, but it's Prison Break, how can I not? I'll jsut ignore the whole, she's married and pregnant thing... *ignores*


andsheloves February 8 2007, 13:41:28 UTC
Ignore that whole filter thingy... I found it. :) So good, btw.


andsheloves February 8 2007, 13:45:04 UTC
Oooh, I just read the Farscape one. I love it too. Good job. :)

But being Aeryn that was always a dangerous decision to make.



torogi February 9 2007, 00:06:34 UTC
Ah,such simple words but very captivating.I really liked it!

Ah, can I get one ticket to the RPF fic too? *runs away sheepishly*


muldy February 9 2007, 00:51:16 UTC
Your ticket to RPF

I added you in the filter hehe :)

*waves hi by the way* and I love your icon!!


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