
Jul 23, 2006 20:39

OK so final day of Comic Con...

Day Four )

usa, con, travel

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Comments 16

xfkirsten July 24 2006, 04:14:11 UTC
Dean Haglund!!!! Again!! *flails*

Awwwww! Oh, man, I'm drying to see that video of the kiss!! XD


chickaboo July 24 2006, 04:17:59 UTC
You should have come back today! Corin was way cute and friendly and we could have hung out more!
Though today was kinda a let down after yesterday, but seriously, what could ever top yesterday?


xfkirsten July 24 2006, 04:36:15 UTC
Oh, man, I considered it, but I was SO worn out today! :P I imagine it was much quieter there today!


muldy July 24 2006, 08:09:43 UTC
Quieter as in less people? Hmm...no not really ;) Although I didn't hear anything about them closing the line and telling people to piss off today so I guess everyone got in ;)

And yeah I'm totally and utterly exhausted from this all!! Although we managed to watch Galaxy Quest tonight *squee* I FEEL LIKE SUCH A LOSER WATCHING THAT THOUGH LMAO!! But I love that movie, perfect mocking of fandom and shows :P


sapphs July 24 2006, 04:20:47 UTC

Sounds like you had a fabulus time! Man, Is anyone going to uload the footage of the kiss?? *wants to see so bad* :P

*is sad about no more stories from ComicCon*


alyssa22 July 24 2006, 05:00:14 UTC
Yeah, I wanna see it too.

I also can't believe how many people from our little group online have now met. Fi and Lysia are the only ones I've met from online. But I can add Tiia, Suz and probably Kirsten after the US trip.. maybe even some more.


sapphs July 24 2006, 05:34:49 UTC
LOL! I find it hilarious that we end up in other countries meeting people from tyour same country, yet we never meet people in our own country LOL! :P


alyssa22 July 24 2006, 05:38:44 UTC
I met Fi in a line in Melbourne at the State Library! She's the only one... so far.


athenaktt July 24 2006, 06:03:29 UTC
Aww Corin! *luffs him*

Aw so the kiss was really shorter in reality? Because I swear it felt like a long time for me too yesterday. =P


muldy July 24 2006, 08:12:00 UTC
Yeah I coulda sworn that kiss went for a good ten minutes ;) My brain totally froze in squee-dom...but it was only really a few seconds!!

Perfectly frozen in my memory though!! :P


(The comment has been removed)

muldy July 24 2006, 08:12:14 UTC
*has squeeing attack too* I LOVE CORIN!! He was so adorable...*hugs him*


thetreg July 25 2006, 02:12:30 UTC
CORKY!!! Say it after me CORKY!!! Not Corin... geez...

To semi-quote Sarz, "Parker Lewis can't lose IN SPACE!!!!" lol


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