
Mar 20, 2006 22:59

melyanna just in case you actually bother to read this...

I defriended u cos u blocked me from reading ur flocked posts anyway!

Was nice knowing u.


In other news had a great day today!! Was the best weather so dark_faith366 invited me out to their place to play soccer, they picked me up from downtown and then we watched a Farscape ep (cos ( Read more... )

farscape, vancouver

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Comments 10

alyssa22 March 21 2006, 07:35:50 UTC
Hey, Starbucks will be cooler than Levi's anyway! I'm sending "be hired by Starbucks" vibes your way!


muldy March 21 2006, 07:37:42 UTC
Er, u never worked in food did u?? :P

I HATE food, coffee is OK, but I'm gonna grumble about every single person who wants food from me.

Unless of course they are one of many actors from my favourite tv shows that are all (with the exception of Gilmore Girls) filmed in Vancouver :P


alyssa22 March 21 2006, 10:11:19 UTC
I worked with food at Dreamworld while I was at Uni! I chopped up mud cake and packed fruit salad and served Japanese and American tourist (such fun!!). Put me off mudcake for years!!


alyssa22 March 21 2006, 07:37:00 UTC
By the way, I hope you're not only recruiting Bombers fans! There are other clubs out there!! (Carlton!! Okay, they suck, but still, CARLTON!!!!)


muldy March 21 2006, 07:38:33 UTC
What do u take me for??

Biased?? ;)

And yes...I did make her watch a Bombers match :P


alyssa22 March 21 2006, 10:12:57 UTC
You're so predictable!!


netty_kender March 21 2006, 08:58:59 UTC
You made them try vegemite...did you put it on some bread or give it to them straight.

I love vegemite..don't eat it as much as i used to but when i do its alot....even my cat Buffy likes it...


alyssa22 March 21 2006, 11:52:29 UTC
A cat called Buffy!!! I love it! My cat is Cookie, and he's very, very bad!

Personally, I've never got into Vegemite.... too... .salty I guess!


bloodorigen March 21 2006, 12:02:47 UTC
To you know what you said in a txt before...you still have not made up for the crimes against the fandom...

Onto other things...people must be brainwashed into Bombers fans...i know too many carlton supporters...


zerofantasym March 21 2006, 16:57:10 UTC
*headdesk* ignore my last comment!!! I was half asleep I swear!!! *faceslap*

I'm glad you're having a good time Fi!!


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