(no subject)

Mar 20, 2006 22:59

melyanna just in case you actually bother to read this...

I defriended u cos u blocked me from reading ur flocked posts anyway!

Was nice knowing u.


In other news had a great day today!! Was the best weather so dark_faith366 invited me out to their place to play soccer, they picked me up from downtown and then we watched a Farscape ep (cos oddly enough we were both up to the same place in season 1 at the moment).

Then we went out and played soccer for a bit in the sun, and then sat down for even longer talking before going back to their place, eating some French food, me making them eat Vegemite! YAY but they didn't like it...

Oooh and I got dark_faith366 to watch AFL!! AND SHE LIKED IT!!

French people brainwashed: 1

Then we went and had McDonalds for dinner (nice and healthy) and watched one more Farscape ep before I came back home.

I don't think I had any calls :( Which means no Levi's job...

farscape, vancouver

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