Title: I am Sleeping on a Timebomb
fujiidomRating: R
Word Count: 27,247
Disclaimer: BBT is not mine. No, not even this twisted, twisted version of it.
Warnings: Triggery for emotional and physical abuse as well as several mentions of a miscarriage. Also - very strong language and alcohol addiction.
Summary: AU - Circus performers in a
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Comments 40
Sorry, I'm appalling at commenting, but I really just needed to say that I loved this
I'm so glad you liked this! I was honestly worried that people would read the summary and be completely turned off of it, so the fact that you took the time to read it alone means so much. And I'm glad you liked the universe! =)
Basically, you are amazingly sweet, and thank you so much for the kind words! ♥
I have physical witnesses to the fact, too, since juniperlane and allthingsholy had to deal with my random fist-pumping and squealing throughout the entire story. It was just THAT intense and enthralling.
The universe is so fluid and real and powerful. There's that one image that haunts me, with Sheldon holding the gun after just having missed his first shot in... ever. I can visualize that so well, it's a damn shame I can't draw or take a mental snapshot because I assure it's beautiful and it's like the camera's just up and above the audience enough that when Penny drops down (my first legit "OMFG, YESSSSSS!" moment) you see just her silhouette at first and then it's just all epic and perfect. In fact the image of Sheldon throwing knives/shooting was just so hot and perfectly Sheldon in such ( ... )
It was so *real.* Even in a different world, you kept the characters true to themselves. I don't think I can come up with any actual words to do your work justice. Beautiful. Simply beautiful.
I really loved Wil/Sheldon as well. The world needs more of that, in my opinion.
What stuck with me most and what I'll keep from this is the idea of people who have come through so much and are so damaged still having some kind of hope and coming to love each other deeply. That's the sort of thing that stays with a person.
Even in a different world, you kept the characters true to themselves. - I'm just going to grab you in a huge hug and never let you go, now, because that's honestly the best thing I could have heard about this AU. *snuggles you*
I know I did damage them, but I love that balance of friendship that they have, and I wanted to highlight that, so I'm glad you liked it! You really are far too sweet, but thank you so much! ♥
How you kept everyone in character in such an AU-verse is just (again)amazing. I was so intrigued when reading the summary about how the BBT world would fit into this AU scenario. Perfection. You have such an amazing way with words and characters.
I may or may not have done a fist pump when Denny got his comeuppance and swooned a bit when Wil kissed Sheldon and Penny.
You're so amazingly sweet, though! This AU-verse was freaking me out, no lie, so I'm glad it and the characters worked for you! ♥ Thank you so much bb! =)
Fantastic job!
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