Title: I am Sleeping on a Timebomb
fujiidomRating: R
Word Count: 27,247
Disclaimer: BBT is not mine. No, not even this twisted, twisted version of it.
Warnings: Triggery for emotional and physical abuse as well as several mentions of a miscarriage. Also - very strong language and alcohol addiction.
Summary: AU - Circus performers in a
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I have physical witnesses to the fact, too, since juniperlane and allthingsholy had to deal with my random fist-pumping and squealing throughout the entire story. It was just THAT intense and enthralling.
The universe is so fluid and real and powerful. There's that one image that haunts me, with Sheldon holding the gun after just having missed his first shot in... ever. I can visualize that so well, it's a damn shame I can't draw or take a mental snapshot because I assure it's beautiful and it's like the camera's just up and above the audience enough that when Penny drops down (my first legit "OMFG, YESSSSSS!" moment) you see just her silhouette at first and then it's just all epic and perfect. In fact the image of Sheldon throwing knives/shooting was just so hot and perfectly Sheldon in such a backwards but OF COURSE kind of way. I just... UGH. It's a damn shame we'll never get to see Sheldon actually do this, basically. Because the image of it in my head is glorious and it's all thanks to how well you put me into the plot.
The other part that I was honest to god flailing around in love with was Wil ripping off his jacket and jumping in to fight for Sheldon. God, I cheered. I cheered so much. I kept forgetting that Wil is actually a real person (although he's villainized both in this temporarily and on the show) but it's like you reinvented him again to fit in this world and even though he should make the least amount of sense being there, despite everyone else coming from totally different fields, since he's an actual person, he really just was the accidental glue that held everything together in the end.
Like I said, I was kind of blown away how when I reread this along with the mix, how well everything just fit and it's really just a testament to how solid and real these characters were for me. Obviously they have some back-story to begin with (although tweaked), but you really created a whole new universe as intended. So, thank you, for letting me get a chance to stroll around. :D
As for the fic - I can't help it, I love Wil far too much for my own good. His part was originally much smaller, and then he popped up a bunch in my first draft, so I cut him. Mercilessly. And by the time I had the second draft he was off fixing everything and being everywhere and I gave in and said FINE WIL. FINE. So I'm glad you liked him, haha... I actually ended up sticking way more Star Trek stuff in there to try to make him less out of place.
I have a huge soft spot for Sheldon and guns. He and Penny were the only two I was certain about in this AU, and everything else spiraled out from them. (Well, I knew fairly early on that I was going to set it post*-faux-WW3.) It's good to hear that it wasn't too over-the-top or forced or anything, though - I've never written anything this long that's anywhere near this AU, so I was really quite concerned.
Basically, what I'm trying to say through my rambling is thank you so incredibly much, and your mix and cover are gorgeous and amazing, and ILU, you awesome person, you! =)
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