Friends Only

Jan 01, 2020 18:20

I tend to write a lot about my day-to-day experiences here. What this means is that family, friends, coworkers, and even one-time acquaintances can often lead starring roles in my journal. I myself don't think it matters who ends up reading what I scribble, but a few of the afore mentioned actors have requested that I lock all of my journal ( Read more... )

friends only post

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Comments 41

bunnicula38 January 2 2009, 00:42:04 UTC
I want to be added!! I may not always have time to comment on your entries but I enjoy reading them all the same.


muchtooarrogant January 2 2009, 14:42:25 UTC
Okay, Bunny. I'll make a deal with you. I don't mind having a carrot-eater on my Flist, but you're going to have to do something about all those twitters! Maybe you can create a twitter filter that excludes the blind man? Sometimes It's not easy for me to skip past them using speech.




bunnicula38 January 2 2009, 16:02:12 UTC
No problemo - my other LJ friends don't seem to like them much either. I'll keep them to Facebook only. :-D


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muchtooarrogant January 2 2009, 14:32:40 UTC
Nah, you are safe!



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muchtooarrogant January 9 2009, 15:17:58 UTC
Sure. Addded.



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muchtooarrogant January 18 2009, 18:53:16 UTC
Certainly. *smile* I hope you enjoy the ramblings.



contentcontempt March 17 2009, 03:18:39 UTC
Howdy! Found you by the way of a comment you left in a mutual LJ bud's journal.....khixan. Didn't know if you would like to add me?

I've been looking for some new journal's to read but just can't bring myself to do an Add Me post. Most of the people I get from those posts don't usually last more than a month or here I am, snooping in my friends' LJs.......

Take a look at my user info page, it has lots of useless/useful info in it!!!



muchtooarrogant March 17 2009, 15:10:17 UTC
Hi Yolanda, and thanks for your message. No foul browsing through other people's Flists as far as I'm concerned, I've done that myself. I've added you, so you can now see all my ramblings. If you think we'd click, add back.

One warning, you're obviously a very visual person given all the icons you've designed and so on, but since I'm blind, I'll most likely not comment on anything graphic you post in your LJ. I'm sure all the art's lovely. *smile*

Be well.



contentcontempt March 17 2009, 16:35:51 UTC
Meh, I'm not worried about you not being able to see my stuff! It's there to spice up my page.

Added you back!


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