Friends Only

Jan 01, 2020 18:20

I tend to write a lot about my day-to-day experiences here. What this means is that family, friends, coworkers, and even one-time acquaintances can often lead starring roles in my journal. I myself don't think it matters who ends up reading what I scribble, but a few of the afore mentioned actors have requested that I lock all of my journal ( Read more... )

friends only post

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Comments 41

ziggyzest April 3 2009, 18:31:29 UTC
hey, from the new friends. Um...well, thanks for adding me.. i'll see if i want to add you. I need to sort of chat with someone before i add them..
Um. this is funny though.. your name is Dan Brown? Like the writer of the Da Vinci Code?? And ' Angels and Demons'? Quite hilarious.


muchtooarrogant April 4 2009, 13:02:27 UTC
I keep trying to get that jerk to share roaylties with me. I mean, if he's going to use my name, it's the least he could do. Ah well, I'll just have to content myself with the fact that I'm a better person. *grin*

Chat with? Um, that's sort of the point of adding on LJ, yes? To get to know someone better?

Anyway, hope you enjoy what you read here.



ziggyzest April 5 2009, 13:01:46 UTC
ha, ha! That's a good one!
So how come you're the better person, though? ")
What is there that is bad about Dan 'Da Vinci' Brown that we haven't read on his site, in the newspapers?

Yes adding is a good way of getting to know someone. But my journal is sort of rather personal at times..
and besides, it'd be nice to know if we're capable of holding a conversation on some common ground before i add you because well.. what's the point of friending if you've got nothing in common and nothing to talk about with the person?


muchtooarrogant April 5 2009, 16:20:38 UTC
 What is there that is bad about Dan 'Da Vinci' Brown that we haven't read on his site, in the newspapers?

Well, that's just it. I may not be truly better than him, but I've certainly done a better job of keeping it under cover. *grin ( ... )


persephone9999 June 5 2009, 01:49:49 UTC
I REALLY like your username.


muchtooarrogant June 5 2009, 02:40:04 UTC
Ah, looking at your Flist, I suspect you saw me on Kelly's journal. I don't know how much we have in common aside from The Remnant, but you're welcome to read my scribblings if you want. *grin*



persephone9999 June 5 2009, 04:05:23 UTC
yes it's true! That's where I found you.

Thanks! :]


Slash chewableprose January 15 2010, 05:26:37 UTC
Hey Dan,

I notice that you're a member of a few slash communities. Do you write/read slash yourself? If so, what slash do you write/read and did you want to be friends?



madnessofbast January 21 2011, 15:54:12 UTC
I'm back on here myself and hopefully writing much more often, may I be added to your super special friends only list? ;-) Pretty please? (I'm the girl who takes forever to get back to you from South Carolina. *hint*)


muchtooarrogant January 21 2011, 17:09:27 UTC
Ah, hi there. I'm more than happy to add you, but I haven't updated here in forever! You can also find me on Facebook if you use that:



wither_roz March 30 2011, 02:22:52 UTC
Add me! I just got back!


muchtooarrogant March 30 2011, 02:27:34 UTC
Uh, you were never deleted, so you should see everything.



wither_roz March 30 2011, 02:31:00 UTC
Told you I was rusty at this! Ha Ha!


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