Broke the glass and stole the fate she didn't earn

Sep 01, 2008 23:11

Who: Yuber, Risa
When: After the power swap
Where: Initially, Yuber's room
What: Risa has a bone to pick with the way Yuber talks about Dark, and gets much, much more than she bargains for
Rating: PG-13

Ever since he had first spoken about Dark, Risa had had a horrible feeling about this Yuber. She didn't know much about him and thought him a rather mysterious person since she never saw him around, so while sitting in her room she decided to head over to find him and give him a piece of her mind.

Slipping a pair of brown sandals onto her feet, Risa adjusted the deep pink dress she wore, the sleeves puffing out just enough to give her small frame a little bit of extra necessary volume.

Then, satisfied that she looked appropriate to give someone a piece of her mind, she took her keys, locked the door, and headed off to find Yuber's room. After asking around, she was finally directed to the correct dorm and instantly knocked on it with three heavy raps of sound.

Tapping her food on the ground, she crossed her arms over her chest and put on her best 'withering state' expression, waiting for the door to open.

yuber, risa

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