Harry Potter can KISS MY ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 09, 2007 22:37

XD! New best movie ever, The Covenant. Badass, sweet soundtrack, nice cast. SO gonna buy when it's marked down. XD! I wonder if The Prestige lives up to what I want it to be. :P

So, what's new?

Sittin' here...downloading music....my eyes going from Garfield(Yogurt: the food nobody likes but everybody eats) to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air(From Alpha to ( Read more... )

randomness, news, stuff, the covenant

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Comments 1

anonymous March 10 2007, 05:17:52 UTC
Oh man. My eyes are burning. Icons are evil- no more Garfield. Hey did you see the one where Garfield convinced Odie that he was a cow? XD XD XD

Yeah, I'm thinking about watching that. I guess I'm back to buying my music. It's sucks to be legal! XD Just kidding boys and girls, all these musicians need their money after all hoe else can they afford their bling!

It's weird but the news is so addicting. I can't fall asleep when it's on, that's why I have to flip to something else. But then again. you are just weird.

...Bush can ...well..you know...he cares about two things..money and oil and that's it!


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