Harry Potter can KISS MY ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 09, 2007 22:37

XD! New best movie ever, The Covenant. Badass, sweet soundtrack, nice cast. SO gonna buy when it's marked down. XD! I wonder if The Prestige lives up to what I want it to be. :P

So, what's new?

Sittin' here...downloading music....my eyes going from Garfield(Yogurt: the food nobody likes but everybody eats) to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air(From Alpha to Gamma to BAD MAMMA JAMMA!!), sippin' on some 'yac(aka Coca Cola), thinking about going to Wiki Acacia. I got an original story-one-day-turned-screen play brewing in my head. Oh, plus that Stargate SG-1 one-shot I started based on a challenge over at StargateFan.

And even with all that...........................................................................*brainless Garfield look*

XD! It's SO WARM! I just want to REVEL in it. It's like 60 tonight for the low. I'm in shorts(that girl ain't worn panties since she was 12......*melts*....XD! wow...I'm easy..damn), and so very comfortable.

I've been re-readdicted to World News Now even though I don't really care for the news and David Muir isn't the co-anchor anymore. I have no idea why, I just find myself brainlessly staring at it. And then at 3:30 I flip over and watch Early Today, even though the hot Hispanic chick is never on there when I watch. WHY?!!

And how the F%#k is President Bush gonna say "he cares" about the Hispanic community when he's building a fence to keep the Mexican's out? Never mind they pretty much built this country after the white man stole it from the Native Americans.

*sighs* I never asked to be a part of this lie known as America. I never asked to walk on this stolen soil!!! I never asked.....!...hey! A squirrel!

randomness, news, stuff, the covenant

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