So, since my last post, this is what happened.
On Friday, I stood outside with my neice, nephew, and sister for perhaps a good hour and a half watching an armadillo named Nathan dig through leaves, and waiting for Ersy to attack him. As soon as Nathan even looked at Ersy, Ersy jumped ten feet in the air and ran away. Yes, my cat is a paranoid stoner wussy and my armadillo is a badass. How awesome are my pets.
On Saturday night, I went to get online and my computer wouldn't come on. I un-plugged, re-plugged, un-connected, re-connected, did every possible troubleshoot I could and nothing happened. Then, CNIMBWM being the awesomeness that she is let me watch Supernatural to make me feel better.
On Sunday, all I did was cry, watch Supernatural and Stargate, and think about icons.
On Monday, I had to go take a test(it's yearly thing since I'm homeschooled), hung out with my friend Kolby, and talked about chicks we couldn't stand and dudes who were hot but were way younger then we are. Yes, it was weird. We were so mad when he wasn't in our grade. XD
On Tuesday, it was pretty much the same as Monday. While at test, mom took computer to Interlnk. When test was over, mom played nasty cruel joke by telling me that she didn't cause they didn't accept checks. Five minutes from home, she told te truth; she took computer to Interlnk and all they had to do was replace the fan in the back that does that whole electronic thing. Car nearly ran off road when I attacked mother. COmputer nearly died again when I hugged it, kissed it, loved it, and had it's modem-baby. Went home, downloaded image-converter, and capped that bitch like there was no tomorrow.
On Wednesday, slept til 3:30, and listened to CNIMBWM talk dirty on the phone. Here I am.
Oh, and did I mention that on monday I used my saved up allowance to buy it?
At the time I thought my computer was dead, so I didn't feel guilty, but as time went by I felt guilty and I still feel guilty. It was only $36.97(not that that's chump change, good lord no, but compared to other dvd sets....), but I still feel guilty. I haven't opened it yet. I'm testing myself. I'm waiting to finish Supernatural and give it back to CNIMBWM. WHy do I insist on doing this to myself???
Did i MENTION the image converter? What kept me from capping CONSTANTLY was that I had to sit for like, 2 hours afterwards converting them from .bmp to .jpeg using Paint which is a serious pain in the ass especiallly when you get like 500 caps from ONE episode of whatever the hell it is I'm capping. But now, I can instantly convert them in like 10 seconds. w000t with 5 BILLION ZEROES!!!!!
Life is good. Dammit
semaj_moonlight!! MAKE THAT LIST!! *whip snaps*