Title: Epilogue
Series: Controlled Love, Part 30.
Start the series here.Fandom: A Bit of Fry & Laurie
Pairing: Tony/Control
Rating: PG
Summary: A wrap-up for the series.
Disclaimer: No ownership claimed, just oodles of love for these characters.
Note: When I wrote my first little T/C drabble, I had no thoughts of a 30-part series. Now here I am,
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Comments 35
You know, from start to finish this was wonderfully well written, and sweet and IC and yet so much deeper than what we get in the show itself.
You've done a brilliant job *applauds and throws confetti*
It was brilliant, and wonderful, and thank you v.v.v. much for mentioning Jack. Ties up all loose ends, and..just...*happy sigh*
*pictures Tony and Control happily bringing each other coffee 'till the end of eternity. (Or until Jack manages to murder the Minister) :D
Thanks for all your support and suggestions throughout this whole series! I really do appreciate all you've done!
Aw, they'll bring each other coffee till the end their days. :)
And you know I included Jack especially for you! :D
You're welcome!
Haha, I loved this so much. Memming.
Eeee... I LOVE being memmed! Thanks!
I thought of this ending about 4 days ago, and wrote it very soon after. I am very happy with it!
Aw, let the gossipers talk... Tony got the job on merit alone! And our heroes will be discreet. :D
Ah, Tony and Control, may you always be sweet and polite and madly in love with each other. I have to wonder if Hugh and Stephen meant for the characters to come across as so very slashy, or if it just happened. It seems to happen a lot with them; maybe something about the underlying affection and friendship they have.
So anyway, you know I had much love for this series. I'm going to miss it! Thanks for brightening my flist for so long, and for incorporating a few of my random squeeful comments into your plotline. *g*
*hug* Your plot bunnies were wonderful additions to the series; in fact, it wouldn't have been as good or as long without them! Thanks so much, and for reading and all your wonderful comments. :)
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