(no subject)

Jul 28, 2006 23:10

Title: What's Done is Done (1/1)
Fandom: Prison Break
Pairing: Paul Kellerman, Caroline Reynolds
Length: 575 words
Rating: PG-15
Summary: He walks behind her, watching as she transforms herself effortlessly into her new persona, and he’s never been more proud - or more wary - of her.
Author's Note: This is for jaybee65 who's feeling blah and thought she might like some Kellerman/Caroline Reynolds intrigue with a chaser of 'being interrupted by a telephone call'. Hope this works for ya, poor sick girl. *g* Contains spoilers for the Season One finale.

Things without all remedy should be without regard;
what’s done is done.

~ Lady Macbeth (William Shakespeare’s Macbeth)


She waves to the waiting press, an appropriately subdued flutter of a rock-steady hand, and he wants to smile at her.

He wants to do much more than that.

He’s walking a respectful two feet behind her now - as is befitting her new role - but he remembers the feel of the small of her back beneath his palm as he’d ushered her from the hotel kitchen. He remembers feeling the excitement that hummed through her body, almost as though his touch had conducted it to his own flesh. He walks behind her, watching as she transforms herself effortlessly into her new persona, and he’s never been more proud - or more wary - of her.

The interior of the President’s limousine is gloomy after the flashing cameras of the press, but his eyes quickly adjust, letting him see the triumphant smile she’s finally allowed herself.

“That went well,” she says lightly, her eyes glittering with a raw exultation he recalls only too well from the night she was sworn in as Vice President.

He smiles, unable to keep a note of satisfaction from his own voice. “Like clockwork.”

She darts a quick glance at him. “And our helpful chemist?”

“Taken care of,” he murmurs, reaching for the concealed mini-bar behind him. “Drink?” He’s already pouring a generous measure of bourbon into her glass, but he likes to keep up the appearance of protocol, even when they are alone.

“Thank you.”

Their fingertips brush as he hands her the glass, her manicured nails scraping him lightly, and he remembers the feel of them, their sharp points digging into his skin. Of course, he thinks as he shifts casually in his seat, that was a long time ago, but power is an aphrodisiac in a class all its own. Perhaps, after things have settled down, she might be amenable to renegotiating -

The soft trill of her cell phone cuts across this particularly pleasant train of thought. Digging the phone out of her handbag, she tosses it to him carelessly. “Get it, would you?” Easing off her heels, she relaxes into the leather upholstery, her glass already half-empty. “I’m not in the mood for any more talking tonight.”

He looks at the caller ID, frowning when he recognises the Chicago number. “Yes?”

“This is Governor Tancredi. I need to speak to the President.”

His frown deepens. “I’m afraid she’s unavailable.” Especially now that you’ve served your purpose, he adds silently.

“Oh, I think she’ll want to hear this,” Frank Tancredi retorts, his voice brittle with irritation. “There’s been a break out at Fox River.”

His gut clenches like a fist. “What? When?”


Despite the dark sense of intuition crawling over his skin, he asks the question. “Who?”

“Eight in total, including Scofield and Burrows.”

“Thank you, Governor,” he says politely as heat prickles along his scalp. “I’ll let the President know.”

Caroline stares at him as he flips the phone shut, her overly bright gaze narrowed. “What?” When he doesn’t answer - and because she knows him as well as he knows her - her face tightens with apprehension. “What’s wrong?”

He hesitates, but only for a few seconds. He’s lied to her in the past and he’s quite sure he’ll lie to her in the future, but there’s no hiding this from her. Surprised how much he regrets having to be the one to ruin this night for her, he takes a deep breath. “We may have a problem.”


prison break, caroline reynolds, paul kellerman

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