Title: The Land of the Living (1/1)
Fandom: Prison Break
Characters: Sara Tancredi, Gretchen Morgan, LJ Burrows, Bruce Bennett
Pairing: Michael/Sara
Length: 6,505 words
Rating: R (for violence)
Summary: There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning. Spoilers for #222, Sona and #
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Comments 59
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the mastery is in the last coupla paras where you really extend the story and colour in the sketchiness of the opening stanzas. I probably sound like a bit of a waffler, but this aspect of the fic really strikes me as important. I could quote your lines back to you verbatim, but I can't really chose a fave.
You are quite magnifico at the details of canon, Jen. This one is a gem, but don't let it go to your head, okay?
okay, but Im not really one for false praise, and I loved this story. The gushy gush was warranted in this case, but can be altered if needed : )
{Sidebar here, has there beeen *spoilers* that she was drugged during her captivity? I don't remember reading that anywhere...Logically speaking, that *would* be the best/worst sort of torture}
This combines all the right elements. Edgy. Dark. Haunting. Still, there were two particularly striking parts for me. I loved when they were in the van and she puts her still bound arms around LJ. I can *just* see this happening. Secondly, when she is running, bloodied, bruised, that it is the love that keeps her going. Conceptually this is something that we all can relate to, I think, not to mention how this illustrates Sara's words to Michael. I love it.
No, I don't believe so. The spoiler was 'how' she came to escape. *tries not to spoil people*
I loved when they were in the van and she puts her still bound arms around LJ. I can *just* see this happening. Secondly, when she is running, bloodied, bruised, that it is the love that keeps her going.
Thank you! I want a Sara and LJ reunion very much. *sighs*
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