Scattered - Hiatus Fic Challenge

May 03, 2008 00:34

Title: Scattered (1/1)
Characters: Michael, Sara, Lincoln, LJ
Pairing: Michael/Sara, mention of Lincoln/Jane
Genre: Het, AU
Length: 2,497 words
Rating: PG-15 (a few bad words)
Summary:Home is a feeling, not a place.
Author's Note:Written for the There's No Place Like Home challenge at pbhiatus_fic. It's incredibly late, but what's one more overdue fic, hey ( Read more... )

lincoln, au, michael/sara, there's no place like home, hiatus fic challenge, het, lj

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Comments 31

happywriter06 May 2 2008, 16:38:19 UTC
Love it! I knew I would of course.

Home is a feeling, not a place.
It just took them all to go to Hell and back to find it.

If the writers were smart, they'd give us an ending like this, at least the one with Linc and Michael. They need to call you.


msgenevieve May 3 2008, 04:32:52 UTC
I'm greedy. I want a happy ending for all the characters I like. Damn, I even want one for Bellick, lol!


linzi20 May 2 2008, 16:49:02 UTC
How could you possibly think this is crap? Honestly, I love it. It's a bit different than your usual work, I think, a little more raw maybe, less "poetic"--I don't know if that's the right word--but it's very, very effective, and it's the first fic in a long time that has actually brought tears to my eyes. Especially the middle section. My throat was literally tight with tears.

I could never tire of your writing.


msgenevieve May 3 2008, 04:35:04 UTC

I don't know, it just didn't *click* in my head properly. I wanted to keep it simple and as non-fluffy as possible, but it still feels to me as though there's something missing. At a pinch, I'd say it was Michael's POV, but then I would have only been repeating what we learned reading about him and Lincoln sitting in the bar. Hmmmm.

It brought tears to your eyes? Oh, darling. *hands you tissue* Thank you so much for the kind words.


chatty_cat May 2 2008, 17:15:00 UTC
So I wanted to leave a comment that actually said good things about this story, but I can't seem to find words to describe how I feel. You know the smile Micheal has when he pulls back from the hug with Sara and touches her hair, in The Key? I seriously think that is the look on my face right now. I loved this story. It was perfect.


msgenevieve May 3 2008, 04:35:42 UTC
Hee. I can picture that smile very well - thank you so much!


purplemoongrl May 2 2008, 18:52:42 UTC
You are a fast mover, you know that. *G*

“Go and get what you need so I can take you home.”
Michael is home and I love that concept.

'The Brothers'
I have been pestering sarah_scribbles and you with that, so you know how I feel. I love them together but Linc frustrates the hell out of me sometimes. Linc represents for me both the incredible moving hug in season 1 when he found Michael after the riot and insensitive Linc in Panama when Michael was sad because he had to leave Sara behind. Their relationship is so complicated and yet so loving. I just wish that Linc would show some more emotion and Michael would tell him to f*ck off ones in a while.

I enjoyed reading this terrific fic and I hope they will touch upon this subject in the show.


msgenevieve May 3 2008, 04:38:06 UTC
Aww, thanks!

I had some spare time today, not long enough to finish a giant WIP chapter (just getting in before you ask) but enough to write a one-shot. I've been a very slack hiatus comm mod, lol!

I've *never* once stopped believing that Michael would do anything for Lincoln, but Lincoln/Dom doesn't always convince me the other way around, I'm afraid. They need to clear the air a lot more often between them, I think. That fight in #220 did them the world of good, IMHO.


loose_gravel May 2 2008, 21:21:15 UTC
poor LJ. i love the little delinquent. aside from Michael and Sara, he's the one that I hope truly does get a happy ending.

adored the part about their mothers. actually choked me up a bit.

lovely work, dear.


msgenevieve May 3 2008, 04:41:15 UTC
LJ needs to catch a break, poor kid. After all he's been through, I think he'll be determined to make the most of his life. I don't think we'll see him falling back into running errands for petty drug cartels as we saw in the pilot.

One of the things that always gets to me about Michael and Sara is the loneliness that radiated from both of them, that awful loneliness that only comes when you're surrounded by people and still feel isolated. No wonder they recognised a kindred spirit in each other. Just IMHO, of course. *g*


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