This Is The Life ~ Introspective Rambling by msanborn

Nov 20, 2007 14:56

This Is The Life!I was sitting at the gate area in the Detroit airport waiting to board for New Orleans and was people watching. I glance down at the duffel bag belonging to this mid-fifties (I'm guesstimating) woman as she is also looking around; people watching. On her bag, the statement embroidered with the message that was multi-colored and ( Read more... )

writing, introspective, friends, mind dump, random, public, family

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Comments 17

ladyriv November 20 2007, 21:04:09 UTC

Do you mind if I add this to my memories section?


msanborn November 20 2007, 21:19:40 UTC
not at all; go right ahead!


ravenskye8 November 20 2007, 21:29:30 UTC


msanborn November 20 2007, 21:43:17 UTC


ravenskye8 November 20 2007, 22:02:20 UTC
Thanks... I needed that... :)


msanborn November 20 2007, 22:03:32 UTC
I give good "glomp" *grin*


djenk November 20 2007, 23:34:25 UTC

Awesome. *adds to memories*

Thank you for sharing :)


msanborn November 21 2007, 05:50:51 UTC
you're much welcome dear :D


yourbasketbuddy November 21 2007, 02:01:49 UTC
This couldn't have come at a better time than makes me think of where I am, where I want to be and who I am thankful for in helping to make me the person I am...

Thanks soooo much for sharing...

*thankfully adds to memories*


msanborn November 21 2007, 05:52:41 UTC
I get kind of turned inward myself this time of year every year - soul searching and such; I tend to let it spill out wherever - and am happy when others seem to be in this same struggle - together; yet as individuals.

Good luck in finding what you're seeking!


livelovelibra November 21 2007, 03:52:01 UTC
interesting timing with our posts. thank you for this. you're amazing, you know?


*with tongue*


msanborn November 21 2007, 05:54:47 UTC
*blush* thank you ! amazing... makes me remember when someone else once called me that. *sigh*

:::kisses you back:::*with tongue*


livelovelibra November 21 2007, 13:23:28 UTC
lol, well now you can say someone has said it again... :)

*nibbles on your bottom lip*


msanborn November 21 2007, 16:37:51 UTC
*snuggles* *smoochles*


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