This Is The Life ~ Introspective Rambling by msanborn

Nov 20, 2007 14:56

This Is The Life!

I was sitting at the gate area in the Detroit airport waiting to board for New Orleans and was people watching. I glance down at the duffel bag belonging to this mid-fifties (I'm guesstimating) woman as she is also looking around; people watching. On her bag, the statement embroidered with the message that was multi-colored and prominent - "This Is The Life!"

It got me thinking. I started mind-playing, putting emphasis on each of the four words. The gate-keeper called our flight to board so I quickly text messaged my email with a reminder to pick up this thought pattern when I was able to actually focus. Now is that time.

This Is The Life:

THIS one is; your current life I'm referring to. Sure some of us believe there have been past lives, and there will most likely be lives after this one. I'm not getting into a debate about beliefs. I'm focusing on the fact that THIS life; is the one you and I are living right now. Are you happy? Are you healthy? Are you doing the things in life that you want to be doing even if it's along side of the things you *need to* be doing? Are you the kind of person that you admire. Are you the person you want others to see, not just out in public, but when you're home alone - are you still that same person?

This Is The Life:

Well isn't it? Do you have another? Sure it seems like some of us live dual lives; but it really is just different sides to the life we're in. At the end of the day, you still have to answer to yourself in this life. With that in mind, put that idea in thought. This IS the life you have - If it's not the life you want it to be, why aren't you doing something to make it so? I mean - it IS the only life you're consciously aware of that you're going to have (again - all beliefs of other aspects, put aside), this is the life that deserves your best effort - the one you're currently living.

This Is The Life:

What in life inspires you, makes you smile, matters to you? Those would be the things in life. You can make it the life you want it to be; if you knew what you wanted. How can you know what you want? People change all of the time. Start with the basics. Make yourself, the part of life that needs to be the center. And I don't mean that in a shallow "all about me" sense. I mean if you want to be kind, giving, loving, smart, sane, wealthy in friends, family, or funds... - be the core of all that you want, by being positive, understand you have just as much right and free will as any of us. Be at peace, you'd be surprised at what comes to you then sometimes with ease, but most times with the simple effort of just self-will, desire, and determination. It's not given to you; you see - you have to find it. Earn it. Grasp it. And most importantly - Respect it. There's something in that whole "Life is what you make of it" philosophy.

This Is The Life:

Life - if you're reading this, obviously you were given (a) life. Or some weird re-animation formula from Herbert West. You were given life and life is a gift - how are you treating it? This gift. Some of us are parents, and we've given life to another or others. Some biologically or some by adoption - either way, we gave someone the opportunity for a life - is it going to be a good life? Are you showing by example how wonderful life can be even in the midsts of things that aren't so wonderful? Are you being in Life; how you want to be remembered after you're gone? Some of us have saved others' lives in one way or another - how are they living the lives you helped prolong; are you someone they trust, look up to, are you being true to a life that you valued in someone else; by valuing your own?

This Is The Life:

More importantly - this is YOUR life... what are you doing with it to make it the best life you can have?

*made public by request

writing, introspective, friends, mind dump, random, public, family

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