The latest Buffy comic...

Nov 09, 2011 21:53

First things first; no I'm not dead or ill or anything like that. I want to thank Green_Maia, Pfeifferpack, Immortal Beloved and diebirchen for the birthday wishes, and to cordykitten  for the Happy Halloween gift.  And additional thanks to any FB/LJ crossover peeps who also said happy birthday on my wall.  My life's been topsy turvy as of late, ( Read more... )

buffyverse, angelverse, comics

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Comments 6

diebirchen November 10 2011, 04:29:07 UTC
So you're saying you think . . . what . . . the comics books should all make sense? Babydoll, you and I both know it ain'ta gonna happen!


ms_scarletibis November 10 2011, 04:45:29 UTC
Lmao, I know :p

And for the record, I only read them cause they're free :P


stormwreath November 10 2011, 15:20:04 UTC
*Says hello back*

Yeah, the new vampire mythology doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but then again it never really did, so what's new? I like the idea that the vampire blood acts as a catalyst, changing the human corpse into an undead monster, and then the demon 'soul' comes in from elsewhere to take up residence in it. But I have visions of demons sitting in a row in some parallel dimension somewhere, all with remote controls like you'd use for model aircraft, operating vampires remotely...

It looks to me like Severin needs to put his hands on each side of someone's head to suck their powers, not just touch them. And I'm suspicious that the last page is actually a fake-out and he won't be evil after all: maybe he wiped out the vamp nest in advance to impress Buffy and make her take him more seriously, or something. We'll see.


ms_scarletibis November 12 2011, 18:43:08 UTC


I always kind of thought it was like the soul process, but the opposite or something. Becoming a vampire is a birth--you're born into darkness. In order to truly be one, though, you need to die, and rise again only with the demon spirit of a vampire. It's more to it than just the blood, because if it were just that, Buffy would have become a vampire during the whole Dracula thing.

Agreed on Severin. It really did make me think of Glory. Could be a fake out, but he looked fairly villainy in that last panel :p I kind of feel like there will be a fight, Spike will intervene, and then "die" at the hands of Severin. I'm just waiting for the crossover between this and "Live Through This," because it's coming...and Mohra blood will be a big part of it.

<--is assuming you're reading that comic, but now realizes you probably aren't...


missus_grace November 10 2011, 17:42:42 UTC
Hi! Did I miss your b-day? Happy belated wishes, then. I'm sporadic on LJ these days, too. It's kinda fun to come back and I see the backlash from this latest comic.

To quote Giles (approximately): "Oh dear Lord."

Not for the first time, I'm very glad I'm not reading them. I'm on the wait list at the library for the Walking Dead graphic novel. Now there's a proper zombie.


ms_scarletibis November 12 2011, 18:44:23 UTC
Lol, it's cool, and thank you!

Ooh, the Walking Dead...I've heard good things, and I'm intrigued about the fact it started as a comic. When you get it, let me know how it is. Maybe I should check it out at my own library :p


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