S6 Evil Deeds

Oct 01, 2010 18:39

Evil: morally reprehensible : sinful, wicked.

So, in my last post, the topic of whether Spike had been "evil" or not in s6 came up.  Did Spike do some messed up things that season?  Duh.  Would I classify him under evil during that season?  No.  In my opinion, regardless of season, Spike always surpassed the expectations of the average vampire, or ( Read more... )

season 6, spike, buffyverse characters, poll

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Comments 59

staringiscaring October 18 2010, 17:59:59 UTC
Interesting! I love Willow (I know, I know, unpopular opinion), but she definately went off the rez during season 6. It always made me wonder what would have changed if she had more of a magical mentor to keep her on track.

Spike was a soulless vampire so he wasn't Mr. Good Guy, but he never really went the evil for evil's sake route even when he was chipless. More like he smashed, bashed, fed, and fucked, and then went on his merry chaotic way.


jlbarnett October 19 2010, 03:21:29 UTC
As I recall Willow didn't initiate the sex with Tara in that case. I actually always felt Tara was being more controlling than Willow in season 6, since she wanted to tell Willow what she could and couldn't do, while Willow's main thing was just not letting Tara tell her what to do.

And something everyone forgets about Buffy going after Faith, Faith would have taken part in the battle at graduation. That's adding someone who's a match for Buffy to the bad guys side. Angel or no, she needed to be taken out.


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