Drabbles x 50% x 2

Nov 04, 2007 22:17

Repeating what I said two nights ago for the benefit of sinadino, atfm and elfcat255, over here I asked for drabble prompts...

... those who know me well know I like to try 'perfect' drabbles for these things.

So, you three, here are your 'not-so-perfect' drabbles.

sinadino asked for SG1/Sam/Janet )

meme, fic

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Comments 5

atfm November 4 2007, 22:48:42 UTC
Not-so-perfect my not-so-perfect ass. Those 100 words provided comfort after the yucky Grissom/Sara scene AND for the recent absence of Sofia as well as the soon-to-be absence of Sara. Thank you. :)

And I liked the other two as well.


ariestess November 4 2007, 22:50:41 UTC
All 3 are wonderful...especially the second... *veg*


ralst November 4 2007, 23:52:17 UTC
Fun. Fun. Sad.

All excellent.

I especially liked the blue jello.


elfcat255 November 5 2007, 02:23:56 UTC
Oh that was perfect...I liked mine..heh and I liked the Sam/Janet one too...thanks!


slamaina February 3 2008, 22:50:14 UTC
Sweet Sam/Janet drabble.



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