Drabbles x 50% x 2

Nov 04, 2007 22:17

Repeating what I said two nights ago for the benefit of sinadino, atfm and elfcat255, over here I asked for drabble prompts...

... those who know me well know I like to try 'perfect' drabbles for these things.

So, you three, here are your 'not-so-perfect' drabbles.

Title: Promises
Author: mrswoman
Fandom/Pairing: SG1/Sam/Janet
Words: 100
Prompt: distraction
Requester: sinadino


It wasn't the promise of a family night in with her two favourite girls.

It wasn't the promise of being there when Cassie first tasted popcorn.

It wasn't even the promise of sharing a large double cone of ice cream.

And it certainly wasn't the promise of watching Jungle Book again, this time being allowed to sing along to 'I wanna be like you-u-u'.

In truth, it wasn't even the promise of just what Janet could do with a large tub of melted M&M's.

No, it was only the promise of post-orgasmic blue Jell-O that finally brought Sam running home.


Title: Results
Author: mrswoman
Fandom/Pairing: CSI/Sara/Sofia
Words: 100
Prompt: photograph
Requester: atfm


Two women stood looking down at three shining colour photographs, detailing the evidence of their most recent case; the prevention of a crime most heinous.

Photograph One: Gilbert Grissom kissing Sara Sidle through ridiculous masks as bees swarmed around their heads.

Photograph Two: Sofia Curtis sobbing uncontrollably at the site of her and Nick's rescue of Sara.

Photograph Three: Sara Sidle and Sofia Curtis with their arms around each other as they flew off to a new life in the Sunshine State.

Wendy turned to Catherine accepting her offered high-five.

The corridors echoed to their united shout of victory.



Title: Foreshadowing
Author: mrswoman
Fandom/Pairing: L&O: SVU/Alex/Olivia
Words: 100
Prompt: need
Requester: elfcat255
AN: Hope someone gets the link between the title and the words?


She stared at her liquor cabinet, but she'd made a promise; just because Alex wasn’t here, didn't mean she should drink.

It seemed like yesterday that Alex was a part of her, bullying her not to succumb. Then, she'd had Alex's arms giving her the solace she desired. Everything was right, as if nothing could go wrong. Now, she couldn't breathe, couldn't sleep, was barely hanging on.

She sighed as her telephone rang. She knew who it was, could probably quote his words; that wasn't what she needed.

What she needed…

"We've got a call, meet me at Brevet Investments."

Hope these were ok?

meme, fic

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