Title: The Persuasion Parallel
Author: mrssnape13 (immortalbeloved13)
Spoilers: None
Rating/Warnings: G/ AU
Word Count: 1,403
Disclaimer: I own nothing!
Summary: There may be hope for Sheldon as he removes to Shropshire and Penny makes her way to Bath.
Resigned to Bath )
Comments 4
(But George Jr as a clergyman made me laugh a lot. *grins* At least his parish is not that of Grace Adieu - I do not think even so learned a gentleman as Sheldon Cooper could be persuaded of the efficacy of magick, and I would not care to wager upon the outcome of his meeting with such a personage as John Uskglass...)
I wonder what Sheldon would do if he ever stumbled upon the Raven King. It would be a meeting for the ages. XD
(Btw, just got another complaint that this follows 'Persuasion' too closely! I'd still like to know what story I'm SUPPOSED to be doing? I was also told I just changed some names and haven't added anything of my own. It's funny, because I recall writing scenes that weren't there before... ;) )
Given that I got vilified for the mere fact that I drop pronouns and love my present tense, I really wouldn't read anything more into it than the fact that someone clearly needs to get their head out of their own bottom, or stop reading it, if it offends them that damn much.
For the record, I LIKE your style very much! :) Not sure why those folks thought present tense was such a capital crime. I for one think it's interesting and that the old rules are meant to be bent, changed, and broken. ;)
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