Title: The Persuasion Parallel
Author: mrssnape13 (immortalbeloved13)
Spoilers: None
Rating/Warnings: G/ AU
Word Count: 1,403
Disclaimer: I own nothing!
Summary: There may be hope for Sheldon as he removes to Shropshire and Penny makes her way to Bath.
Chapter Eight: Resigned to Bath
What guyle is this, that those her golden tresses,
She doth attyre under a net of gold:
And with sly skill so cunningly then dresses
That which is gold or heare, may scarse be told?
Is it that mens frayle eyes, which gaze too bold,
She may entangle in that golden snare:
And being caught may craftily enfold
Theyr weaker harts, which are not wel aware?
Take heed therefore, myne eyes, how ye doe stare
Henceforth too rashly on that guileful net,
In which if ever ye entrapped are,
Out of her bounds ye by no means shall get.
Fondnesse it were for any being free,
To covet fetters, though they golden bee.
--Edmund Spenser, Amoretti, Sonnet 37
‘No, that one won’t do either,’ Howard thought, rifling through his volume of Spenser.
He had taken to sitting by Miss Musgrove’s bedside to read to her. She was unable to go out, and as he had no inclination to do so himself, this helped them both to pass the long hours of a quiet afternoon.
“What have you got for me today?” she asked, turning her head to face him as he entered the chamber.
“I must admit, I’m at a loss, my dear. I believe we have exhausted all of my favorites.”
She pursed her lips in concentration as he took a seat by her.
“Do you know any Petrarch? I am feeling decidedly Petrarchan this afternoon.”
Howard smiled broadly at her. He was really beginning to like this young woman.
. . .
Sheldon and Stuart were out walking the Cobb again. Sheldon had been spending a lot of time there for the past several days. He had been doing a lot of thinking.
Miss Musgrove was mending slowly, but making steady progress nonetheless.
He had been avoiding her as much as possible; he could not bring himself to face her.
When it had been declared that she was out of danger, Sheldon had sent Penny a note with the news. He could only assume that she had received it, as he had never gotten any reply.
Stuart cleared his throat, breaking Sheldon’s reverie.
“I believe I have an idea.”
Sheldon stopped in his tracks and stared at his friend.
“Is it a good one?”
Stuart cocked his head.
“Very funny.”
Sheldon made an impatient gesture for him to continue.
“You may not have noticed this, but I believe Howard to be forming an attachment to Miss Musgrove.”
Sheldon just stared at him in absolute shock.
“They have been spending an awful lot of time together, and I think his preference for her is rather slight at this stage, but there is a small sparkle in his eye that he used to get when he looked at Fanny…” Stuart trailed off for a moment, his throat becoming tight at the thought of his poor sister.
He shook his head to clear the cobwebs and continued.
“I think you should go visit your brother in Shropshire.”
“What? What in the world does that have to do with--"
Realization hit him and his eyes got very wide.
“Oh. Oh!”
Stuart was beaming at him.
“I’m going to go and write George right now.”
“That’s the ticket.”
. . .
Penny finished packing her valise with a dejected sigh.
“What is it Penny?” Missy asked kindly, fiddling with a hat box.
“It just feels like I’ve done nothing but pack up my bags lately.”
They were quiet for a moment.
“I’m sorry you have to go to Bath.”
“As am I. I have to though.”
Missy nodded.
Penny could not say with any certainty that her father and Alicia missed her presence at all, but the last letter she had received from Alicia had forced her to realize that she needed to take her place beside them.
They were already in the thick of society there, and it would be up to Penny to make sure that they did not become too extravagant. They were supposed to be retrenching.
Penny was also curious to know why Mr. Elliot had suddenly renewed his connection with her father. Alicia’s letter had been entirely too full of that event and of the continuing ingratiation of that gentleman.
She could only be suspicious.
. . .
Penny left Omaha early the following morning.
Missy and Raj were sad to see her go, but they all agreed that she was right in doing so.
“Perhaps we shall go to Bath for the winter. I hear it’s the place to be,” Raj said, winking at his wife.
“I like the way you think,” she said, taking his arm and following him into the house.
Their footman, Robert, was waiting for them with a letter in his hand.
“This just arrived for you Admiral.”
“Very good. We’ll take some tea in the drawing room, please.”
“Right away, sir.”
They went in and settled into their customary places: Missy at the writing desk by the pianoforte (she loved to write music), and Raj in armchair nearby, to read his letter.
“Oh no,” Raj breathed, his hand going to his mouth.
“What is it, my dear?”
He handed her the letter. It was from Sheldon, explaining in great detail the events of their time in Lyme, and the expectations of the young lady he had unwittingly been paying attentions to.
“No wonder Penny was so very distraught when she came to us,” Missy murmured.
She went on to read of Sheldon’s plans to vacate to Shropshire whilst Stuart did his best to encourage Captain Wolowitz’s growing attachment to his pretty young guest.
“I think it best that we go to Bath sooner rather than later.”
“Why is that, my dear?” Raj asked.
“Penny and I were talking of her family yesterday, and she mentioned Mr. Elliot’s being in town and his sudden reconciliation with her father.”
“I’m not sure what you’re going for, here.”
“Well, this same Mr. Elliot is the gentleman Sheldon wrote to us about.”
“The one who seemed to take an interest in Penny?”
“The very same.”
Raj mulled all of this over for a moment.
“You’re right. I’d say it’s best we go to Bath ourselves. We wouldn’t want this blackguard to have already stolen Penny away if Sheldon is able to become a free man again.”
Missy smiled at her husband and rang the bell for Robert.
She loved Raj to death, but for an Admiral, he certainly did have to be taken by the hand now and then.
She’d need his help though, if she was going to be able to help her Shelley secure the hand of the woman he loved.
. . .
Sheldon had scarcely ever felt such a tumultuous mix of emotions. He had been so sure of finally achieving happiness with Penny, only to have it snatched away.
He wondered if Fate would ever hear them.
Then he shook himself, remembering that such cosmic abstractions were hokum.
Nevertheless, he found that he became weepy again when his coach pulled up to George’s cottage.
George was outside waiting for him. He looked rather like his younger brother, but was possessed of a sturdier build and brown eyes. He was a clergyman and he rather liked the secluded, quiet life that the country afforded him.
Sheldon stepped down from the coach and embraced his brother.
“Welcome home Shelley.”
Sheldon held on tight and didn’t want to ever let go.
George always knew just what to say.
. . .
It was raining when the carriage Penny was in came to a stop at her new family home in Camden Place.
“Typical,” she muttered.
She straightened her bonnet and took a deep breath, preparing herself for what was sure to be a lackluster welcome.
It was hard to believe that this dreary, wet place was to be her home for the foreseeable future.
“God I hate Bath,” she sighed, stepping down from the carriage and heading up the steps to number ten.
She squared her shoulders and prepared to face whatever fate awaited her inside.