muse_shuffle | December

Dec 12, 2008 00:37

Track 07. Monday you can fall apart // Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart // Thursday doesn't even start // It's Friday I'm in love
(The Cure - ‘Friday I’m in Love’)

[Follows THIS]

Aiden had a lot of things running through his mind as he rode up in the elevator of the Medical Centre. He watched the numbers slowly light up as anything and everything swept through his tired mind. Snippets of his conversation with Evie, pieces of the trip to Mexico, memories of the night he first saw Pat at Luke’s bar. He thought about coming down with the flu and Pat rushing from Princeton to play nurse, and then the walk along the beach at Fire Island where they both shared those all important three little words.

He shifted his weight from one foot to the other and rubbed lethargically at his eyes. He was nervous. He didn’t know what he should say or do once he made it back to Pat’s room let alone what path they were supposed to turn on together now. He had so much he wanted to say to Pat, to ask him, to ask of him, but none of it seemed particularly important right at that moment. He just wanted to get back like Evie had urged him and try to at least breach some of that distance that the explosion at created between him and his lover.

He couldn’t remember ever feeling this tired in his life. It was emotionally taxing as well as physically. But he could handle it. There was no reason anymore to dispute that fact. It wouldn’t be easy; in fact, a lot of the time it would be difficult, painful and tiring, but he loved Pat. He wanted to be with him no matter what and if that meant life had to change so he could care for his disabled boyfriend, then so be it. He would learn how to do that if it fucking killed him.

But it all came down to one thing. Whether Pat wanted him to be the one to care for him. If he couldn’t trust Aiden, then this was never going to work and Aiden’s chest hurt just at the thought as the elevator dinged and signaled his arrival at the right floor. It was quite late and standard visiting hours were over. Aiden didn’t care, though. It helped that Jules had used her connections as a nurse in the hospital to let Pat have what visitors he needed, when he needed them, just so long as they weren’t disruptive. As far as Aiden was concerned, he’d had enough disruptions in the last twenty four hours to last him a lifetime.

When he appeared in the doorway of Pat and Lachlan’s room, he didn’t say anything. As soon as he saw Pat lying there, he was just lost for words. He looked so weak and confined and Aiden felt that helplessness wash over him again. The wayward Scot was out like a light in the companion bed, the lights on his side of the room dimmed right down to aid his slumber and it was only a lump of white blankets that indicated the bed was even occupied because not a single part of Lachlan was visible. It must be the first time Aiden had seen the room devoid of visitors. For once he was thankful of that. Pat was the only person he wanted to see at that moment.

Pat was watching, looking like he was almost scared to move in case he spooked Aiden into leaving again, though his eyes were filled with a scared sadness that broke Aiden’s heart. There was no more hesitation and no words as Aiden went over to Pat’s bed. He kicked off his shoes and carefully climbed onto the bed beside Pat and wrapped them together in a close embrace. He met Pat’s lips in a soft kiss and then just held him like he never wanted to let go.

And he didn’t. There would be time for talking and time for trying to work out what their next steps should be, but it wasn’t now. Now there was just touch and warmth and everything Aiden needed to reassure himself that under the weak and ill exterior, Pat was still the same person that had swept him off his feet and made him want to take on the world at his side. Knowing that, he was sure he could get through anything.

All muses referenced with permission

Word Count | 714

[ship] aiden/pat, [with] sexyinscrubs, [plot] love versus illness, [comm] muse_shuffle

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