Belated Vid Round-Up: 2008

Jan 12, 2009 13:49

Since I was reluctant to look back at 2008, this is belated. But I think it will be useful, at least, in the long run, especially just for archiving things.

February/March: World on a String (SPN): "No the world on a string doesn't mean a thing"; the events leading to John's death.

- As far as first vids go, I'm still pretty satisfied with this one, talky face and all. Made under duress after my dad had a heart attack in the hospital and his health declined rapidly. I was feeling morbid, so I vidded it out. Also, I loved vidding Neil Young.

April: Unsuffer Me (Dark Angel) (offline): Alec is tormented by the choices he made in his past.

- Angst angst and more angst. I pulled an all nighter and posted and it then realized how awful this vid was. It was good to teach me some things about effects, but mostly it was just over the top with a poorly edited song to boot. I've since yanked the downloadable version of this and youtube has blocked it for copyright stuff.

May: Bitch (Dark Angel) : A celebration of Max, bitch-goddess extraordinaire and the man who loves her. They wouldn't want it any other way.

- Straight up fannish squee after I discovered Dark Angel. Max is one of those women that gives me a 10% margin of error. Also: Logan *squee*. I want. After all the angst and morbidity of my first few vids, this was just a joy to complete. I also got to meet ladymajavader by seeking out a beta for this.

June: Like Home (Alexander): Alexander the Great was a little too big for this world.

- I ignored this idea for awhile because I thought Snow Patrol with a Great Gay Greek Epic would just be wrong. It's a good thing I didn't continue to be hung up on that idea. This is probably one of my favorite vids to date and pretty much explains why I thought Alex was awesome.

July: Ding Dong Song (Dr Horrible's Sing-a-Long-Blog): Captain Hammer's love song . . . to himself.

- Oh, Nathan Fillion. You really *were* the star of this show. And Captain Hammer was such a hilarious cheesy pain in the ass.

October: Music is My Boyfriend (Velvet Goldmine): "If music be the food of love, play on." Curt/Arthur/Brian 0T3

- Made for ishyface's birthday, with love. Cuz ze got me into Velvet Goldmine. The song was a real delight to edit and I learned a lot with this project.

November: To be a Man (3:10 to Yuma 2007): The moment William becomes a man is not when he picks up his gun.

- Wanted to vid this for some time before I actually did. I am pleased with it and consider it one of my better vids this year. It's subtle but carries nuance, conveys emotionality without being overly soppy.

I also did what I consider a crapload of betaing for a newbie, primarily for ladymajavader, el1ie, pharis and thandie. I can't remember all the vids I beta'ed off the top of my head; some of them did not even get finished or ended up in the discard pile, as some vids do.

I will say I have a sense of "poppa pride" over them though. I got to work with some really talented vidders and I am always proud and impressed with what they came up with. :D It was fun.

2008 vid round up, vidding, my vids

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