a year in review; fanfiction wrap-up

Dec 30, 2012 16:28

i took this from mmmytelephone because i like to keep track of things like this!! :)

total fics posted: 20

total words posted: 105,000 (oh my fuck)

total words (excluding blogs) written: i am not even going to try with that one because i write plays and that isn't exactly the easiet thing to calculate.

my favourite story this year: the universe encompassesRead more... )

me, fics

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Comments 2

matchsticks_p January 14 2013, 01:49:59 UTC
i really want to finish my "louis tomlinson goes on dates with harry's best friends because harry thinks he's depressed" fic

...when you say Harry's best friend, do you mean who I think you mean? Please say yes. And please do finish that fic.


mozarts_piano January 15 2013, 01:49:01 UTC
i mean both ed sheeran and dear nicholas and yes, yes i will try to :D :D :D


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