Sweet Jobs, Broadway Shows and Boyfriend Issues, OH MY!

Jul 24, 2006 11:22

How much do I love my job? *stretches arms wide* THIIIISSS MUCH ( Read more... )

les miserables, life, lord of the rings, wicked, spamalot, money, jobs, boys, oliver, phantom, william shakespeare

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Comments 4

lea724 July 24 2006, 15:48:52 UTC
That's so cool about your job! Nice to sit at home and make money for doing (almost) nothing.

Ooh, enjoy Wicked! It's a great show. Oh, and Spamalot is *wonderful*! Be sure to post what you think about it.


mozartfan1313 July 24 2006, 19:29:24 UTC
I will definately post a review of "Spamalot". I think you may be the only one of my FList who has seen it, but I'll post one anyway. lol. I'm sure I will love it!


stellypippin July 24 2006, 18:37:22 UTC
Wow, you're lucky to have a job like that, hehe

Regarding your boyfriend issues, glad to see that you're reflecting on your relationship, before things go any further, you know - hope you sort things out :)


mozartfan1313 July 24 2006, 19:31:02 UTC
Oh, there has been PLENTY of reflecting! lol. A little too much. In fact, sometimes it's a relief to be distracted by work. I just can't see us working past all this tension and distance. I guess I've just realized in the past couple months that he may not be right for me. It's always hard to come to this realization. I hate breaking things off with people. But I'm sure everyone does.


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