Sweet Jobs, Broadway Shows and Boyfriend Issues, OH MY!

Jul 24, 2006 11:22

How much do I love my job? *stretches arms wide* THIIIISSS MUCH!

You know how I work at that really nice Italian restaurant, right? Well, today the phone number for my work has been redirected to my house because the girl that usually takes the calls is on holidays. So, whenever the phone rings at my house I have to answer as though I were at the restaurant. You know what I get paid for doing this? Twelve dollars an hour. So far, seeing as it's Monday and probably won't be terribly busy, I've only fielded two calls. I'm making money for sitting at home and I've only had to pick up twice.

I've already gotten a couple of raises since I started over a month ago. This job is so perfect for a student. How did I get so lucky? lol.

Annnd...while I've been sitting at home I got tickets to see "Wicked" when it comes to the Canon Theatre here in Toronto in October and November. It's a touring company so it's only here for a limited time. I got decent floor seats for the 2 p.m. show on Saturday, November 11th. I'm really looking forward to it now. :)

Are any fellow Torontonians on my FList going?

I'm really on a role with going to plays this year. I've already seen "Les Miserables" and "The Lord of the Rings" and this Wednesday I'm seeing "Spamalot" and in August I have tickets to see "Oliver!". Plus, "The Phantom of the Opera" is returning to Toronto in February and as soon as tickets go on sale, I'm THERE! lol. I haven't seen Phantom since I was a kid.

In other news, I think that the reason I don't mind going to work as much (besides the fact that I really love the people I work with) is because I don't know how I feel about my relationship with my boyfriend. So, for me, the time apart is helping me figure out what I want to do about us. We both feel the tension between us and we've been on a rocky road for a couple of months now.

It was weird too, because I had just finished telling a friend of mine that maybe I should wait for a sign as to what I should do about my boyfriend and our situation. THEN, as I took the subway home last night some guy started talking to me because he was fascinated by the book I was reading, which was "A Year In The Life of William Shakespeare: 1599" by James Shapiro. It's an excellent book and we talked about the types of courses we take in school and things along those lines. He never asked for my number or anything, but it was nice talking to someone who shared so many of my interests. Part of the problem in our current relationship is the fact that we have NOTHING (besides our love for hockey) in common, so sometimes we strain to find things to talk about.

*Le Sigh*

What to do, what to do?

les miserables, life, lord of the rings, wicked, spamalot, money, jobs, boys, oliver, phantom, william shakespeare

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