
Jul 16, 2006 12:29

Today is my annual family get-together (well, my mom's side of the family, that is). My cousins have a fantastic pool to swim in, and considering how hot it is today, this is a very, very good thing (despite the fact that I can feel a cold coming on).

The last two days at work have been physically exhausting. The restaurant was so packed with tourists and people going to the theatre that I was going mental. But I have these next two days off which is a relief. The only thing that made yesterday not so bad is the fact that I FINALLY got the programme to the "Lord of the Rings" play that is here in Toronto. I saw it back on April 30th but the programmes were not yet available. Now, nearly three months after seeing the show, I finally got one. I love owning a programme from every show I attend.

I don't think my relationship with my boyfriend is going to last much longer. We are always arguing, mostly because we barely see each other because of our jobs. But, the strange thing is...I'm not that upset about the idea of breaking up. This is not a good thing. I find myself too often thinking about being single and how exciting that would be. I mean, I haven't been single since I was 18. I am now 22. I broke up with my ex after two and a half years and almost literally went straight into another relationship, with my current boyfriend. I think I just want to be single. I miss it. And the excitment that comes with it. The prospect doesn't bother me in the least because I have more room for independence, plus more time for friends.

Stolen from themurcurytree.

20 Random Facts About Me.

1. I have a freckle just above my mouth on my left side which my sister calls my Monroe Mark.
2. I weigh 105 pounds.
3. My dad always tells me that my wacky, curly hair matches my wacky personality.
4. I have scoliosis (my spine is crooked on my lower back).
5. I'm terrified of bugs...
6. But I love snakes.
7. I'm a huge day-dreamer.
8. I hope to get a career in entertainment journalism
9. My trip to the U.K. last summer was the best time of my life.
10. I love anything that has to do with the 1950's.
11. I have at least two huge cups of tea a day.
12. I would give anything to be an actress one day. It's my major unrealistic dream.
13. I get nostalgic a lot.
14. I think I want to break up with my boyfriend, but I don't know how.
15. I love meeting new people.
16. I'm addicted to movies of all kinds.
17. I hate people who drive while talking on cell phones.
18. Improper grammar drives me mad.
19. I love reading People magazine.
20. My favourite part of the day is when my shift is over and I get to walk around downtown Toronto to the subway. I love seeing everything that goes on in the city.

lord of the rings, meme, family get-together

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