Insert witty comment here...

Jun 26, 2007 20:07

*I got this meme from dark_edgy_girl and I thought it was a really good idea seeing as there are so many new people on my LJ. So, if you guys could fill this out, that would be an awesome way to get to know you all better ( Read more... )

steve mcqueen, white teeth, meme, university of edinburgh, natalie wood

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Comments 35

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mozartfan1313 June 27 2007, 03:07:19 UTC
Do you specialize in a certain area in history? I'm an English Literature and History double major and I specialize in British literature and history.

The Golden Age will be at the Toronto Film Festival this year. I'm thinking about going to the premiere because I would love to hear Cate Blanchett and Clive Owen talk about the film.

What are the last two films that you mentioned you are looking forward too?

What are Cabinet photos?

I loved The Departed.


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mozartfan1313 June 27 2007, 04:58:58 UTC
I don't really know who this Dane Cook is but a lot of people talk about him. lol.


light_inaugust June 27 2007, 02:07:17 UTC
I'm not tired, so before I go to sleep I'll do this, lol

Age: 18--19 in a month!

Location: Ontario, Canada

Do you live in a house, apartment, or flat? House

Do you have any siblings? If so, how many and what are their ages? One sister, 15 years old

What do you do (for work or school or otherwise)? I work at a bank as a Temp/Student, and then I go to University of Toronto the rest of the time

Are you single or in relationship? Drats, single :( lol

How long have you been together? Myself and I have been together for almost 19 years, baha

Who is the most important person in your life? My two best friends, and my Mom/Sister

What is your greatest fear? Not succeeding in the profession I want/aspire to

What fandoms are you into? Umm, Gone With the Wind, Titanic, HARRY POTTER <3 haha ( ... )


light_inaugust June 27 2007, 02:08:10 UTC
Damn, I forgot Blood Diamond, definitely a fave of last year too :)


mozartfan1313 June 27 2007, 03:11:49 UTC
That definately was a good film, although I thought Leo should have been nominated for The Departed instead.


mozartfan1313 June 27 2007, 03:11:14 UTC
I love your icon! I love I Love Lucy!

You go to the University of Toronto? I go to York University. I had no idea we lived so close to one another. That's crazy! lol.

I really want to see The Golden Age as well. It will be at the Toronto Film Festival this year. I'm thinking of getting tickets to the premiere because I'd love to hear Cate Blanchett and Clive Owen talk about the film. :)

I love Legends of the Fall. And not only for Brad Pitt. ;)

Little Children was a really great film. I loved the narration. Y Tu Mama Tambien is great as well. I haven't seen that one in awhile.


safelight June 27 2007, 02:26:47 UTC
Re: The photo: I love it! I'm becoming more of a Steve fan myself. . . :D

The Survey. . .

Age: 19

Location: Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

Do you live in a house, apartment, or flat? House

Do you have any siblings? If so, how many and what are their ages? I have three older brothers; 21, 27 and 30.

What do you do (for work or school or otherwise)? I work as an assistant manager for a licensed Safeway Starbucks.

Are you single or in relationship? Single.

How long have you been together? N/A

Who is the most important person in your life? My family.

What is your greatest fear? The unknown, I need to know. Also I fear being alone without any of my family left, I don't want to be the last one of us living ( ... )


mozartfan1313 June 27 2007, 03:17:42 UTC
I didn't use to pay much attention to Steve McQueen. I just figured he was just another tough-guy/action actor. Even though I loved The Great Escape and Bullitt, I was never his biggest fan. Until I saw Papillon. Then I re-watched his other films. And realized...he's got it going on! lol. He's just a lot of fun to watch and always seemed to love his work.

What is The Simple Curve? I've never heard of that film.

I don't know if I know a single song by Ryan Adams but everyone on my FList seems to be in love with him. lol. I think that's a hint that I have to check him out. ;)

I think James Dean was our main reason for becoming friends. I love meeting people with similar interests, especially because many of my friends don't share my passion of film, especially older films.

I loved the film composers that you chose. :)


maestra June 27 2007, 03:41:41 UTC
Age: 24 ( ... )


mozartfan1313 June 27 2007, 05:01:14 UTC
I love Nosferatu. I did a presentation on it (and German Expressionism, in general) in my class this past year. :)

I love Oscar Wilde, too! I wish I was that witty and clever.

How many tattoos do you have? I have two and I want a third.

Beethoven, eh? lol. *psst* Mozart is better. ;) lol. Just j/k.


maestra June 27 2007, 07:16:40 UTC
LOL they're both geniuses. :D ooh, what are your tattoos of? i have 5, but i want more as well. ::sighs:: nosferatu is awesome, and it was the first silent film i've seen. i always wanted my hair to look like oscar's too. XD


mozartfan1313 June 28 2007, 03:11:04 UTC
I have a tattoo on my lower back of a thistle (Scotland's national flower; although it's technically a weed). It's purple and has thorns. If you've ever seen the movie Braveheart it's the flower the young Murron gives to young William Wallace near the beginning of the film.

My second tattoo is a red maple leaf on my left shoulder blade. I'm patriotic, what can I say? I want a third one on my right ankle of the Irish claddagh. It has hands holding a heart, with a crown on top and symbolizes friendship, love and loyalty, in that order.

What are your tattoos of?

Modern Times was the first silent film I ever saw but Nosferatu was a great film experience. So cool, especially all the spooky things surrounding Max Schreck. Did you ever see Shadow of a Vampire?


themurcurytree June 27 2007, 04:04:05 UTC
Age: 23 ( ... )


mozartfan1313 June 27 2007, 05:03:07 UTC
Which show on PBS?

Ew. Buried alive would be bad. Plus, I'm a bit clausterphobic. Have you ever seen Kill Bill Vol. 2?

We did add each other a long time ago. I don't have the faintest idea where we met.

That film_stills community might interest me, actually. Is it a good mix of old and new?

Well, you know I loved Zodiac but I apparently really need to see this Pan's Labyrinth. lol.


themurcurytree June 27 2007, 05:09:53 UTC
Roadtrip Nation!

yah i saw kill bill 2, thats like my worst nightmare. that happened to a girl from my neightborhood, by her boyfriend

film_stills is cool, itsa good mix of different films!

pan's labyrinth is magical.


mozartfan1313 June 28 2007, 03:12:30 UTC
I don't think I've ever heard of Roadtrip Nation. But that's still cool that you work on the show. :)

Some girl on your street was buried alive by her boyfriend? Was she found in time? Some people are messed up!

I will definately check out film_stills.


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