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Jun 26, 2007 20:07

*I got this meme from dark_edgy_girl and I thought it was a really good idea seeing as there are so many new people on my LJ. So, if you guys could fill this out, that would be an awesome way to get to know you all better ( Read more... )

steve mcqueen, white teeth, meme, university of edinburgh, natalie wood

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light_inaugust June 27 2007, 02:07:17 UTC
I'm not tired, so before I go to sleep I'll do this, lol

Age: 18--19 in a month!

Location: Ontario, Canada

Do you live in a house, apartment, or flat? House

Do you have any siblings? If so, how many and what are their ages? One sister, 15 years old

What do you do (for work or school or otherwise)? I work at a bank as a Temp/Student, and then I go to University of Toronto the rest of the time

Are you single or in relationship? Drats, single :( lol

How long have you been together? Myself and I have been together for almost 19 years, baha

Who is the most important person in your life? My two best friends, and my Mom/Sister

What is your greatest fear? Not succeeding in the profession I want/aspire to

What fandoms are you into? Umm, Gone With the Wind, Titanic, HARRY POTTER <3 haha

Name a couple of your favorite movies.: American Psycho, Gone With the Wind, Legends of the Fall, Trainspotting, Quills, The Age of Innocence

Name a couple of your favorite singers/bands. Bruce Springsteen, Tori Amos, I listen to a lot of musical scores from film, so James Horner/Henry Mancini, etc. Elvis, Rolling Stones. . etc.

What is your favorite book/s? Right now, it's Revolutionary Road. Of all time? Probably Gone With the Wind

Do you collect anything? If so what? DVD's! (and lots of them!)

Why did you friend me? I think we have a lot of similar interests when it comes to movies, and cinema in general. I also love your comments!

What other LJ communities do you think everyone should be apart of? Well, I'm part of 'Christian Bale Daily', and 'Leonardo DiCaprio Daily', respectively, lol =P

What is one thing (lately or always) that is on your mind? What courses I'm going to take for the upcoming school year, trying to save my money, what movies I need to rent/buy/see lol

What movie is coming out this year that you're very excited to see? Elizabeth: The Golden Age! <3 Eeeee Clive Owen :)

What is your top 5 favorite movies of this year... so far (that you've seen, so can be rental or in theater)?
Uhrm let's see:

1) The Departed (more like the end of last year)
2) Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
3) Little Children (BRILLIANT)
4) Notes on a Scandal
5)Y tu mama tambien

:) That was fun


light_inaugust June 27 2007, 02:08:10 UTC
Damn, I forgot Blood Diamond, definitely a fave of last year too :)


mozartfan1313 June 27 2007, 03:11:49 UTC
That definately was a good film, although I thought Leo should have been nominated for The Departed instead.


mozartfan1313 June 27 2007, 03:11:14 UTC
I love your icon! I love I Love Lucy!

You go to the University of Toronto? I go to York University. I had no idea we lived so close to one another. That's crazy! lol.

I really want to see The Golden Age as well. It will be at the Toronto Film Festival this year. I'm thinking of getting tickets to the premiere because I'd love to hear Cate Blanchett and Clive Owen talk about the film. :)

I love Legends of the Fall. And not only for Brad Pitt. ;)

Little Children was a really great film. I loved the narration. Y Tu Mama Tambien is great as well. I haven't seen that one in awhile.


light_inaugust June 27 2007, 11:44:29 UTC
WHOA. Seriously!? That IS insane, lol I had no idea we were so close!

I really, really want to save my money from this summer so I can go to the film festival. I have no idea what else will be there, but I MUST see Clive Owen <3 haha

Same, I wanted Leo to be nominated for both films, ideally. Once again he was passed over..Drats :(


light_inaugust June 27 2007, 11:46:18 UTC
P.S--> Legends of the Fall is how I first "Fell in love" with Brad Pitt. Haha, omg was he sexy in that or WHAT! lol


mozartfan1313 June 28 2007, 03:05:45 UTC
I'm a huge Brad Pitt fan. I first saw A River Runs Through It on t.v. when I was in the sixth grade. I still hold a torch for him. lol. ;)


mozartfan1313 June 28 2007, 03:07:10 UTC
Me neither. How do you like U of T?

The official Film Festival list isn't out yet, only the Roy Thompson Hall galas. I'm sure they will have a better list at the beginning of August, like they usually do. I used to be a volunteer so they mail me heads-up regarding tickets, etc.


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