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Comments 55

sadritsuka12 March 25 2012, 21:05:25 UTC
omg.. wow


moviegeek03 March 25 2012, 21:39:04 UTC
Aww thank you :)


articony March 25 2012, 21:17:38 UTC
Awesome story :) the hunger games trilogy are part of my favorite books and I loved the movie. I enjoyed reading a story set in that world :) I would love to hear what you think about the books and the movie :)


moviegeek03 March 25 2012, 21:40:54 UTC
Thank you sweetie :).

I adored the movie! The cast was just incredible! I full on fangirled over Josh/Peeta, Lenny Kravitz/Cinna, and Woody Harrelson/Haymitch! I'm still finish the book series though. I've read all of Hunger Games and am on chapter 5 of Catching Fire :). I'm obsessed lol.


bb1128 March 25 2012, 22:17:37 UTC
You're awesome. I just finished book one and came on here to find a crossover... And whaddya know you've got exactly what I was hoping for lol Really great too :)


moviegeek03 March 25 2012, 22:39:14 UTC
Aww well thank you :). I had read a few Kurt/Blaine Glee ones but I hadn't seen any J2 versions of it yet (doesn't mean there aren't more) so I felt like trying it lol. I'm happy you enjoyed it. I'm currently on Catching Fire but did already get the chance to see Hunger Games movie :)


Loved It! spn_lady March 25 2012, 23:00:14 UTC
I just saw the movie last night, and got the idea that the books might be better; I haven't decided if I'm going to read them now or wait, though. Anyways, I wondered what would happen if a mentor and a tribute fell in love while watching the movie^.^ I love your version!!! Any chance of a prequel where Jensen and Jared first meet???


Re: Loved It! moviegeek03 March 25 2012, 23:07:46 UTC
I read the 1st book. I normally prefer to read the books before going to the movie (granted that made me a nervous wreck during some of the deaths/scenes). I'm on the 2nd book at the moment. The film was very faithful to the book though. They left out some things, and I still prefer the book, but I adored that movie. You actually tend to get more mad at Katniss in the book *head desk*. You'll see.

With the way I"m obsessed over the series right now...there is a good chance this could get turned into a longer story. I just have to figure it out first lol. This was literally born of me sitting here bored and thinking of the Hunger Games. But I can picture Jensen being a lot like Haymitch at first and then warming up to Jared. And I really want Misha to be my Cinna lol.

Thank you!


Re: Loved It! spn_lady March 26 2012, 05:16:35 UTC
I was kind of getting frustrated with her in the movie already; I'm a little biased, though, cause I love pretty much anything with Josh Hutcherson. He never steers me wrong^.^ I didn't care for the way the movie was cut or some of the camera handling (that's really a personal taste, though), but I loved the concept and the acting. So much unsaid, but said^.^ My only thought with it was I wished more things were explained (which is why I, too, usually read the book before seeing the movie^.^ So, I know what the hell is going on!), but I figure the book would clear my questions up, and if they got your stamp of approval...

Misha as Cinna^.^ I can't stop smiling at the thought^.^ Misha with blue eyeliner^.^ LMAO Is it cliche that I picture him doing something with wings???

Now I'm not going to stop thinkin' about the possibilities. You're such a tease-.- I can just imagine the stupid, silly grin I'm going to get on my face anytime I hear Hunger Games for the next week... Stop feeding my many obsessions!!!


Re: Loved It! moviegeek03 March 26 2012, 11:12:51 UTC
I adored Josh! He was the perfect Peeta! The whole cast was really good though. I was surprised at how good of an actor Lenny Kravitz is in it. I adore him but I don't think I've ever seen him act in a movie. He was a great Cinna (who is one of my favorites in the book, right behind Peeta lol). Suzanne Collins does a really good job of explaining her world in the books. I've heard the 2nd and 3rd don't quite measure up, but that they are still good.

I hadn't thought of the wings! I had thought of crazy hair and eyeliner. I mean, Cinna is a rare breed for the Capitol people since he only has gold eye liner and no real alterations to his body lol.

Well you are feeding my obsession too hun!!! And yeah...this really might get turned into a longer fic *head desk*


loveisimmortal March 25 2012, 23:26:46 UTC
I love this!


moviegeek03 March 25 2012, 23:45:55 UTC
Aww well thank you :). Was hoping it wouldn't be too dark for people.


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