Rosa Farrell - White Christmas (1/?)

Dec 25, 2010 00:47

Title: White Christmas (1/?)
Theme + Number: #96 Winter
Claim Character: Rosa Farrell
Characters/Pairings included: Rosa Farrell, Cid Pollendina, Edge Geraldine, Shiva, Rydia
Fandom: Final Fantasy IV
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: handjob, magic, ice
Summary: It's Christmas on the Blue Planet, and Rosa hosts the celebration in Baron.
Author's Note: I ( Read more... )

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News for Saturday, December 25th, 2010 pingback_bot December 26 2010, 03:53:59 UTC
User ff_presswatch referenced to your post from News for Saturday, December 25th, 2010 saying: [...] White Christmas (1) (Rosa, Cid, Edge, Shiva, Rydia) (NC17) (2,700 words) [...]


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