Rosa Farrell - White Christmas (1/?)

Dec 25, 2010 00:47

Title: White Christmas (1/?)
Theme + Number: #96 Winter
Claim Character: Rosa Farrell
Characters/Pairings included: Rosa Farrell, Cid Pollendina, Edge Geraldine, Shiva, Rydia
Fandom: Final Fantasy IV
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: handjob, magic, ice
Summary: It's Christmas on the Blue Planet, and Rosa hosts the celebration in Baron.
Author's Note: I intended to have ALL of this done by Christmas, but sadly that didn't happen. I think I have plenty for reading, however. I hope you all enjoy it, and Merry Christmas!

"Slow down! We're going to crash into the castle!" said Baron's queen.

"Ho ho ho! What happened to the little girl who used to beg me to fly faster? I don't remember you being so afraid you might break a nail."

Cid's jovial spirit burned bright as his red costume. The pompom on his long-stemmed hat whipped in bitter high winds, and the reins of their Floating summoned reindeer jerked tight in his hands. He stroked specks of snow from his dyed white beard, looking down at the bright eyes of young girls and boys, each one dressed for bed in hopes that Saint Cid soon would be there.

"It's not my nails that worry me. I can't heal bricks and cement," Rosa reminded. She squinted through a fresh, bitter gust of Blizzard in her face, and hid her frosty nipples with a cross of her arms. "Rydia, could you please take more care to aim your spells toward the ground, and not my cleavage?"

Rydia's cheeks rose higher with the devious, grinchy smirk spreading on her green lips. "It's my duty to give everyone a White Christmas, and you deserve it more than most. I'll grant your wish, though, and aim a little... lower."

The black mage's Christmas cheer rang out in a gentle whisper of magical chant, a raise of her hand and a gleeful glance at her friend. She awaited the cold grueling shiver of her cutely beset friend. It never came. Her playful season's greeting bounced off with a Reflected glow. Rydia held her crotch and blushed as her frosted pubes pulsed an icicle into her cold, snowy wonderland.

Cid glimpsed her fraught, misted-breath expression. The small mage shivered around Cid's arm across her shoulders while he pulled her into his fluffy, warm red coat. "Ho ho ho! What's wrong, Rydia? Are you catching a cold?"

"No, she's fine." Rosa smiled. "She forgot that this is Christmas, not Halloween, and she's learning the hard way. Isn't that right?"

Words failed her. In the Feymarch, she might have snuck a hand under the hem and heated her loins with a hasty burst of Fire. Customs shifted in the overworld, and her mindset along with them. She wrinkled her miniskirt in her hands, bit her lip and nodded.

"Cheer up Rydia, it's Christmas!" Cid announced with another guffaw. "I can see the castle now. Hold on, I'm going in for a landing."

If you looked up the word landing in a dictionary, it might tell you something about the slow, careful descent of an airborne transport. Cid's dictionary had a different meaning. He dive-bombed their sleigh at top speed. His beaming grin showed rows of huge teeth, as ice shards shattered upon his blue-tinted goggles. His hat blew from the crown of his head. His two Christmas queens held onto his arms like the clamps of the Enterprise's crane, and the Hovercraft lurched to a stop over the castle's central roof.

"Haha... I mean, ho ho ho! Who would have thought this rooftop would have a purpose?" Cid laughed. The engines whirred to a stop, and the fans cut out. The Hovercraft's new runners tapped the ground. "Okay ladies, last stop!"

The warmth of Cid's insulated blubber gave way to cold night air as the two mages pulled away from him. Rosa raised a hand. With a chant and a dance of white boxes about her, Dispel lifted the effects of Float from their reindeer pack. Each Eidolon stomped snow from its hooves.

"Cid! How was the test run?" Two blonde assistant engineers rushed to the sleigh.

"Test run? You never put it through testing before we did a world gift-giving tour?" Rydia griped.

"Ho ho ho! I took precautions," Cid assured, then turned to his assistants. "The Hovercraft held together better than expected. Once we remove the Christmas bells and add a few whistles, we may have something for commercial use. I hate to admit it, but I need to give most of the credit to the spoony bard on this one."

"Let's start right away!" the two cheered, to which the Santa Cid's big bulging belly rose and fell with a laugh.

"What are you, mad? It's Christmas! Get drunk and be merry like everyone else." Cid stood and leapt from his seat. "Excuse me, I have to go inside and babysit a few annoying brats so the adults can play."

With a wink, good old Saint Cid trumpeted down the stairs with his assistants in tow. Rosa's blush at the suggestion turned to an open facepalm when she saw the newly inducted King of Eblan.

"Ladies!" Edge stood in the wintry cold with his hands before his hips. He carried but one piece of cover to the sleek tone of his ninja's build, square and small over his crotch.

"Edge, what the hell are you doing out here in next to nothing?" Rydia asked for the both of them.

"Haha! A ninja must be trained to resist all threats... except the charms of a lady, of course. This cold is nothing to an expert ninja like me. Come over here so I can give you your Christmas presents."

The girls slid from their seats.

Rydia sauntered around the front. She petted each of her summoned deer from the top of their heads and down their silky soft fur to their backs. A Santa cap slid down her crown and the deep plunging neckline of her red leotard teased the threat of breast exposure with the strain of criss-crossing green lace. The sight stunned; all remained the same but her colors, snowflakes on her leotard inlaid with a darker red, and the gold trim of her boots and the stars on her draping detached sleeves turned white for the occasion. Star earrings hung from her lobes.

Rosa stepped off the sleigh in her knee-high black boots. Their leather matched the same on her gloves, fluffed with white trim at her slender bicep. Her latched belt hung at a slant on her wide hips, curvaceous in a red dress that cascaded to the middle of her thighs. Boughs of holly laced over her cups of ample cleavage, joining the decorative ponytail scrunch of red berries and green leaves. She gently slipped whisps of her golden hair over her bare shoulder and walked alongside Rydia toward the ninja as the bells in her hair and dangling as earrings rang soft and merry.

Edge whistled. "Wow, you ladies redefine the word sexy. I went to a lot of trouble preparing the perfect gift for you foxy ladies, come over here and take a wild guess before I give it to you."

"If this is lingerie like last year, I'm setting you on fire," Rydia threatened.

"Now Rydia, don't be so dramatic. A couple strings isn't worth harming a dear friend," Rosa said. She volunteered her hand for the test.

Her glove slid into the gap between box and raised lid, into its waiting, creeping darkness. Through empty space she searched, tracing fingers to cardboard until she found the hidden surprise. The object squished in her grip to a point before holding firm. She raised a brow at the perplexing, shifting shape. It expanded on her touch, and one end seemed a magical conundrum as it grew in her hand.

"What do you say? Wanna give it a try, sweet cheeks?" Edge winked to the summoner.

Rydia scoffed, but joined her white mage ally. Her hand descended faster and lower. She clutched two spheres, rolling in her bare fingers like marbles in a sack. The two looked to each other, exchanging silent guesses and questions until turning back to the ninja.

Edge grinned. His clenched palms crumpled the box. It was all he could do not to explode with the sensuous fondles his ladies offered without the slightest clue. His mask shielded what would have been longer, stronger misty heaves in the chilly snowy evening. The moment his legs bowed the last he could take, he announced, "It's my dick in a box!"


The ladies retracted and stepped back seconds too late. The box exploded with a small, harmless burst of smoke while a very different kind of explosion shot straight at them. White painted over their dresses and leotards and ran down their stomachs. A poorly misplaced Rydia and a poorly misplaced cry of rage along with it left her vulnerable. Edge took the shot, literally, and thrust his hips to arc a wad into her mouth. A few more splattered on the summoner's face before, like a drying hose, Edge's dick dribbled a spot in the snow.

"Well, ladies? How do you like your presents? I even wrapped a bow around my junk just for you!" Edge announced.

"Why... you..." Rydia fumed, but before she could act, a pat on the shoulder from Rosa stayed her hand.

Rosa cocked her head, bearing a sheepish, uncertain smile. Then, she raised a hand.

"I'm sorry, but I have no choice..." Rosa said. "This is for your own good."

Light sparkled from her fingertips. The dazzling display, as beautiful and inviting as it looked, brought with it a terrible Christmas curse. Edge's laughter subsided to horror as his little helper shrank between his legs. Six inches... four inches... two... one... it descended on the scale of manliness to a cork's width and length at full size, and wonder of wonders, he deftly covered his manhood faster than a thrown shuriken.

"What have you done?!" Edge remarked, a man betrayed.

"I really am sorry... but I can't let you run around the party acting this way when we have diplomats and children to consider. A good night's rest will cure a minor case of Mini like any other status spell."

"Ha! You think that'll stop me? I still have two hands!" Edge's triumph came with a cocky raise of his arms toward the ladies, one hand to a pair.

Rydia scoffed. "Pig."

And just like that, he transformed. A snout pressed out from his mask, his hair receded into a bald scalp, his hands and feet formed into hooves on stubby limbs. He fell onto all fours and oinked at the women towering above him, first in outrage... then pervish glee as he got a full-on view from below.

Oblivious, Rosa spread her stance in pose. "Rydia, could you please take care of Edge for me? It's been a long night, and I intend to spend the rest of it with my husband."

Rosa strode toward the stairs. Candle and lamp light shone from the lower room like the northern star in Mysidian tales of yore. She descended, trailing her fingers along the castle's sturdy stone walls as she moved through the Red Wings' quarters. King Edward sat in the corner, the host of an unusual party. Teenage city girls swooned by his side to the angelic muse pouring from his lute and his accompanying voice, singing bardic myths and legends about the festive holiday. A single half-wall split this small young harem from the rowdy Red Wings, who cheered and splashed mugs of beer while the local Dancing Girl jingled a belt of bells. Rosa paused when the dancer's red and green top flew into her face. The dancer's petite tits undulated as she stretched and poised across the table for the airship men. During her daring dance, she plopped down on the edge of the table closest to Baron's queen and offered a sample to her with an arch of her back.

A rainbow of colors washed over the dancer, who froze in place with the power of Hold. Rosa slipped the bra over the dancer's arms and over her shoulders. Leaning in, she hugged the pink-haired entertainer as she snapped the bra into place.

"Please save the naughty parts for after midnight," Rosa advised in a whisper. "We have children and young adults coming through here to see King Edward."

Rosa chanted once more, and the dancer sprang back to action.

"Sure thing, Princess Rosa!" The dancer said.

"It's Queen Rosa," she reminded.

"Yes, but your clothes and age are more appropriate for a princess than a queen. Besides, if I keep calling you princess, you might feel like one and I can get you to join me in group orgies with random men like a real princess would."

Rosa held her mouth in a light, lilting laugh. "I'm committed to my husband and my husband only, but I'd love some private lessons on dancing some time."

"Ah! And dancing is code for-"

"Dancing is code for dancing. I'll talk to you later. Enjoy the party, and Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas!" The dancer winked and turned back to her audience.

Rosa passed one of the guards on exit. Into the frigid air she walked, snow blowing about in tiny whirlwinds. She bundled arms tighter to her chest, and smiled as she looked up.

The children were playing. White banks formed sides, and the remnants of a fierce snowball battle lay on the ground as random clumps. Before Rosa left, the babysitter of these children presided over the tournament from a throne from which she still sat. Icicles jutted from her seat's back, and the woman hid a forbidden frostbitten nether from view of innocent eyes with her legs crossed and covered in black pantyhose.

"Hey, ice wench! We made a husband for you!" Palom proclaimed. He held his head after a swift slap to the back of it. "Ow!"

"It's Christmas, don't be rude," Porom chastised.

"Aww, fine. Ice Queen, we made you a snow-husband."

Shiva, the lounging queen, slowly rose from her throne. Her black high heels formed ice at her feet that cracked with her steps. Twin braids swung like pendulums off her tight white hair, and her eyes opened from the light blue eyeshadow to a core blue pulsing from the deepest layers of her icy origin. In her skimpy cyan dress, she sauntered over to the three-balled snowman and nodded approval.

"How very sweet," Shiva said. "He looks so rugged and handsome, even if he's nothing but a doll. All he's missing is a huge icicle and a few snowb-"

"Ahem," Rosa faked a cough.

"... A few accessories to make him more of a man than my last husband. I'll play with my new husband when you go to bed, little ones."

Rosa smiled at Shiva's save, then back at the children as she knelt down to their level. "I hope you've been good boys and girls to Lady Shiva, because Santa's here, and he's not going to give you presents if you've been bad."

The children practically squealed and cheered as one voice.

"He is? Why didn't I see him?" Palom accused.

"You must have missed him," Rosa answered. "Hurry to the throne room."

"Indoors at last!" Princess Luca said. "It's so cold up here, how can any of you stand it."

"It takes time. Now come on, we need to see Santa right away!" Porom grabbed the small dwarf girl by the hand and ran, leading the pack of children into the main hall.

Rosa smiled fondly at the retreating youngsters. Memories of a time long ago warmed her heart as she walked over to Shiva. "You've done a terrific job. I could have asked Yang's wife to watch over them, but there's a certain magic for a child when you get to spend time with legendary figures."

"You would be a terrible hostess if you volunteered your guests for the entire party, especially after she spent all day in the kitchen with you and your mother preparing that feast," Shiva sagely observed. "Shall I return to the Feymarch?"

Rosa cautiously responded, "If you wish, but in this weather, all the snow would melt by morning. I hate to trouble you, but could you-"

"You want me to keep the snow high so everyone has a White Christmas, yes? I would love to help, there's just one problem. To produce that much snow for as long as you're asking, I would need to perform certain rituals during flight."

"I wasn't aware your powers required such... passion." Rosa cast her gaze about. Left. Right. Behind. Not a shade of a soul stood in the night. She nodded to the eidolon. "Wait until after midnight. Every child should be fast asleep in their beds by then.

Rosa's permission was all she needed. Shiva shot into the air with a dazzle and dance of icy mist, trailing snowflakes in her wake.

The final blinking blue dazzle of Shiva's light faded. The queen entered the castle, making for Santa Cid's throne.
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