#50 - #3SFIS Check In and a REQUEST POST!

May 16, 2015 19:21

So, for those of you who have seen my resolutions for 2015 { if you haven't; here's a link!}, you may remember my #3SFIS or Three Steps for Icon Success.  I figured that since this is my 50th post here (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I'd sum up my progress and have a little request post to celebrate the 50th post, almost 40 watchers, and SUMMER!

[#3SFIS Reflection]
1. Make more icons
So, I did make more icons.  I've made almost 300 icons in the past five months!  I wanted to participate in more challenges and LIMS' but I can never find the time lol!

2. Improve the icons
Oh yeah, my icons improved.  Before I tended to just crop out the bg and place a fake one over or just color the icon like this:

Now, here's what the icons are looking like:

Yes, there is still room for improvement.  I want to still work on compostion and coloring.  Before, I was very hesitant to do any sort of compostion but now I actually want to add text or some paint splatters to make the icon look cooler.

3. Be more active
I was active - just not in the ways I had hoped to be.  I wanted to participate in more challenges but I ended up doing more 20in20s and battles. Of course, I finished all my 20in20s and had a great time with all the battles but I do wish I had more time for challenges, especially the ones over at the7days and elite_inspired.

requests are closed!  watch the comm for more request posts.

!extras, &icon progression, !requests

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