This weekend was the Hungarian National Sudoku Championship (one of the many national championships I contributed to this year). My contributions to this championship were probably the most balanced between classic puzzles and variations.
I contributed three classics (presented in increasing difficulty):
I also contributed the 6x6 Warmup Relay I originally made for
Sudoku Masterpieces (but which was cut due to space). Its got a pretty clear theme. After finishing a puzzle, copy the identically located digits into the shaded cells of the next grid (so the lower-left square of puzzle 1, for example, will become the lower-left given in the puzzle with a big 2 shaded in pink).
Finally I contributed two more puzzles which are variations I've focused on recently with my construction:
Arrow Sudoku (the numbers in the circles must equal the sum of the digits along the arrows; digits can repeat within an arrow but cannot disobey the standard sudoku rules in doing so)
Thermo-Sudoku (the numbers in the thermometers must strictly increase from the bulb to the end)
Please enjoy these puzzles, and congratulations to Zoltan Gyimesi for winning the Hungarian championship.