Title: The Cross (also
motley_sisGenre: non-rhyming
acrostic (read down the bold letters).
Rating: PG Warnings: none.
Disclaimer: Nope; mine.
Notes: Original non-rhyming acrostic.
Treeligious celebration - refers to
Written for
visual_trigger, triggers
#19 &
#23, because I like to cheat.
The Cross )
Comments 4
Hadn't heard of the legend either before stumbling on that mention at Wikipedia, but here it is, as well as here and here. And even in this song on youtube. I doubt the legend has any historical accuracy, but it's nevertheless a good one with poignant symbolism.
As for the dogwood - hadn't an idea either. Once I found that mention of the legend, I picked out a dogwood subspecies from the list at Wikipedia that is probably found in the land between the two rivers, too. Since the name of this one ends in '-Mas', the link with 'Christmas' was easily made. (o_o)[_]3 I'm not crazy.
But thanks, and thanks again. (^-^)[_]3
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