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Comments 119

docksides December 14 2009, 06:34:14 UTC
[ Morning finds her by the docks, watching as her father's workers begin early on the construction of the sea's grandest vessels-- large ships, some nothing more than wooden skeletons to start. But by the time the work is complete, they will be beautiful crafts, gliding out on the ocean to bring her father back the silks and spices that make him so wealthy.

In her white dress, with her feet bare, Robin leans forward from where she sits on the wooden boards of a dock, watching her own reflection in the water and swinging her legs. ]


odins_gallows December 14 2009, 06:59:51 UTC
[ Iggy wanders, not because he particularly needs to or wants to, but just because he can. It serves as a sharp contrast to his existence before there were vessels for him to wander in. Roots were ill-made for mobility, so now that he has legs to carry him, he tries to make the most use out of them in whatever way possible.

That means, in the mornings, he strolls and this morning he's out on the docks. He looks up into the sky, watching some of the ocean birds cry overhead, and notes a grey cast covering the sun. Pursing his lips in dissatisfaction the clouds in the sky evaporate slowly until Iggy finds himself smirking faintly at the profile of a young woman seated not too far away.

He approaches quietly and then asks, with vague amusement: ] Caught by your own reflection, are you? Understandable.


docksides December 14 2009, 07:05:34 UTC
[ There's a moment where the girl's shoulders seem to briefly tense-- but she's a quiet, proper thing by nature and she does not make a sound to betray her surprise. Still, her surprise is clear when she tilts her head towards him, making her lips part for a moment before she responds in an almost childish voice: ]

Oh. [ A brief hesitation, as if she senses something is not quite right but can imagine no other explanation but the slightly amiss one she has come to. ] How lovely to see you, Master Windham.


odins_gallows December 14 2009, 07:14:31 UTC
[ Iggy smiles at the girl the way one would look upon a doe or some other kind of small, skittish animal. He's familiar with humans like this one (though, yes, it can be said truthfully that he is familiar with everything) and so he does not let confusion of any sort manifest on his face. Just lets his smile soften and approaches a bit closer. His voice is mild. ]

My dear, I have been called many things in my time, but I'm afraid Master Windham isn't one of them. [ He lifts his chin, as if to show her his face. ] A case of mistaken identity, perhaps? It would not be the first time.


ziplocks December 14 2009, 06:43:07 UTC
[ There's a girl at the school bus stop. Earlier than her two best friends, so she's alone for now. But busy, apparently. From her spot on the sidewalk bench, she's snapping photos of an enthusiastic street preacher, clicking away as he points to the sky and cries out Christ's name.

Class assignment. Photography. ]


last_juhl December 14 2009, 06:49:36 UTC
[ For somebody who is deathly paranoid of every stranger suddenly turning out to be one of those people that their parents had warned her and her twin brother about, Pasi is awfully nosy when it comes to other people. Pretending that she's not staring at the girl on the other end of the bus stop bench doesn't really last very long, because after a few short glances, Pasi turns completely with her eyebrows raised and asked. ]

Um. You big on street preachers? Or something?


ziplocks December 14 2009, 07:10:29 UTC
[ There's a pause, then the girl turns towards the person sitting at the other end of the bench, arching both of her brows as if she finds it a bit inappropriate to be asked such a thing by a stranger. Still. Zoey is the sort of girl who likes to explain what she's doing-- and anyway, this other girl seems more or less harmless. ]

Not exactly. It's for school. Photography homework. [ She shrugs lightly. ] And I wanted to photograph something interesting, so. There you have it.


last_juhl December 14 2009, 07:19:59 UTC
[ Pasi looks at the girl and then turns her attention back to the preacher who is still thundering away across the street. She tilts her head as she looks at him, squinting her eyes slightly; she's trying to see exactly what is interesting about him, once you strip out the sound and the motion. ]

Oh. Well, yeah okay, I think I can see that. Way better than the usual 'this is my cat' or 'this is my boyfriend' type pictures the girls in my art class come up with.


the_minor_minor December 14 2009, 06:45:23 UTC
[ Dip wishes he had slept in this morning, but that's what Dip thinks every morning -- especially right about this time -- so it's hardly a new thing. Even with four hits of the snooze button he can't get over this 'out of the house by eight' business and with every passing morning he wonders more and more why he didn't take Uti's advice and enroll in the hippie Montessori school with the lax hours and no homework and meditation time instead of gym class.

Sitting with his hands shoved into the pockets of his hoodie, he rests his iPod on his stomach as he slumps back against the graffiti-ed plexiglass bus shelter. Stifles a yawn and blinks a few times and waits for the bus to arrive. ]


sageofsecrets December 14 2009, 13:25:53 UTC

[Sanjay was always chipper in the morning, though hardly surprising considering he always had to be. A bit of a morning jog here to prepare for the game later in the evening, dealing with incessant moans of Alenia as he'd cook for her before pushing her off to his bus.

It was the first day in a while he had selected to take that bus, although it wasn't much of a selection considering Alenia had trashed his car when she'd taken it out for a practice drive.

He recognizes the location of the spot from the loitering peer he is both familiar with and not. He gives a quick smile before shamefully hiding it, his social inadequacy being not much of a friend.]


the_minor_minor December 14 2009, 13:36:01 UTC
[ Dip knows when other people are looking at him. Eons spent hanging around in the night sky (guiding ancient seamen across uncharted seas, inspiring poetry and paintings and the occasional short story, being wished upon, twinkling) can do that to a being, especially when there's very little to do other than hang around. So he catches the smile offered to him by the stranger, presses his lips together acknowlegingly and nods as if to say hi back. Nudging the backpack between his feet over to one side with his sneaker, he scoots to give the guy a little more room.

"Personal space", that's what Uti had called it. Kind of a strange concept for someone or something like Ursa Minor, but Dip's learning to roll with it. Slowly. ]


sageofsecrets December 14 2009, 14:16:47 UTC

[The shy smile returns, as Sanjay sits himself down. His body shifts into the seat as he nestles his gear between his legs. He tries to read the guy's face, only realizing afterward that his focus must be unsettling. He gives a laugh sprinkled with his growing nerves.]

I don't usually take the bus so...

[He pauses, then remembers his manners, reaching a hand out.]

Name's Sanjay.


11thsign December 14 2009, 06:45:25 UTC
[ Well, good morning! Hope you weren't standing beneath her window, because the redheaded woman who lives on the second floor just emptied a large vase of dirty water out onto the sidewalk below. ]


6thsign December 14 2009, 06:52:33 UTC
[ From another room down the hall, a voice calls out, a bit matter-of-factly: ]

You mustn't do that.


11thsign December 14 2009, 06:59:31 UTC

[ Aquarius tilts her head, pulling back from the window and back inside when she hears that voice. An absent, crooked smile (the sort that seems unsure of its own appropriateness, but appears nonetheless) touches her face. ]

But the flowers had already died, and the water was filthy, really.


6thsign December 14 2009, 07:05:26 UTC
[ There is a muffled snapping noise that comes from Virgo shutting the book that she was just reading, quickly followed by bare footfall and the swishing of heavy skirts. After a moment, a red-haired figure appears in the doorway. Chin dropped to look at Aquarius through thick lashes, she continues, as if delivering a lecture. Still there is a faint smile to her mouth; she is not cross. Not yet, at least. ]

Tubs. Sinks. Drains, sister. Not windows, surely.


thewomaniam December 14 2009, 06:48:17 UTC
[Mornings find her walking home from the red light district, looking worn out. All the same, she always makes sure that her make up is in perfect order and her clothes are neat, if a little rumpled. She carries herself well and tries not to stumble in her high heeled shoes or fall asleep on her feet and inadvertently bump into someone.

On good days she's home in time to fix Joy breakfast and see her off to school.]


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