Jun 12, 2011 15:07


Please thoroughly read everything under the cut.

May Activity Results:

×Didn't meet May requirements
If you didn't quite manage to hit us up with two posts last month, no worries! We'll let you make up the activity during June by posting one extra journal/log entry. This is IN ADDITION TO the required 2 (journal or log) posts. So basically we need to see two (2) journal entries/logs AND one (1) other journal/log/thread. Alternatively, if you can prove that you've met the May requirements with a different post/log/thread than one of the ones you posted, head back over to the activity post and reply to your thread with a link! We'll accept new links until Thursday, June 16th If you need to do this, please comment to THIS post with a link to your AC thread to let us know you've updated.

Ashura-ou // wishmadeinfire Comment thread too short
Chihaya // leftacreampuff missing network post (player will make up in June)
Data Sora // bugkey - Comment threads too short (player will make up in June)
Devil Sword // swordnotsouma - No replies to comments in log
Genkaku // prayforprey - No open posts; player will make up in June
Jason Todd // undeadsidekick - Missing activity, player to make up in June
Kagetsuya // speakswithbirds - No replies to comments in post
Naoki Kashima // nocturnalmaniac - no network or open log posts
N. Italy // p-p-p-pasta Missing network post (player will make up in June)
Relena Darlian // n0_w1nged_dove - dropped all threads in linked posts
Saix // onabluemoon - No posts made
Ventus // backhandjustice comment thread too short

×Didn't respond to the activity check:
This is fairly self-explanatory - if you didn't see the reminders in the last round of announcements, head over to the Permanent Activity Post now, carefully read the instructions, and post your May activity. Once you've done that, please comment to this post with a link to your AC thread to let us know you've updated! We will accept links to activity until Thursday, June 16th This is your final chance for May activity, so don't miss it!

Abarai Renji // nostray (Hiatus) (Need to start a thread)
Arietta the Wild // flightandfight
Asano Keigo // iyaaaa
Ash Ketchum // pallet_townhero (Hiatus)
Chibiterasu // chiisai_taiyou
The (Eleventh) Doctor // tweedlord
Fujiwara no Mokou // immortalsmoke
Hawke // ofmisfits (Need to start a thread)
Hikaru Hitachin // theantecedent
Jace Beleren // mind_sculpting (Hiatus)
Killer Bee // killer_eight (Hiatus)
Knuckles // getoffmyisland
Kurow // petalfeathers
Lambdadelta // tsundelta
Milly Ashford // shes_got_guts (Hiatus)
Nagato // gaveupgivingup Dropped
Otonashi Yuzuru // myheartgoeson (Need to start a thread)
Portgas D. Ace // flammare (Need to start a thread)
Roxas // duelkeys
Sakata Gintoki // cakefesta (Hiatus)
Tsunade // bustyrage (Hiatus)
Vriska Serket // crazy88888888s (Hiatus)
Waka // petalsofdestiny
Youmu Konpaku // gensokyo_myon

PLEASE NOTE: If you are listed as "Idle" and don't get in touch with us by Thursday, June 16th (either by commenting here, PM'ing one of the mods - either gundamkiwi or pattan - or grabbing one of the mods on AIM) you will be removed from the community. (The exception being those who are currently on hiatus, but we know who you are and have listed you as such.

PLEASE REMEMBER: If you are going on hiatus, it is not enough to leave a post in the OOC community saying so - we really need you to comment to the Hiatus post so that we can clearly see who is on hiatus and who is not. Keep in mind that for the activity check, even if you didn't meet the full requirements, it's better to give us SOMETHING and make it up next month than nothing at all!)

The mods are not omniscient by any stretch of the imagination, and fully admit to being human. With over three hundred characters in-game already and more arriving every month, we really rely on you guys to check in with us from time to time, and the easiest way for everyone is through the monthly activity check. There is no guarantee any of the mods will have seen a particular character's activity, even if that character is very active, so taking a few minutes to post a couple of links is the best way to make sure we know you're still playing!

The following journals are considered IDLE and will be removed from the game:

Edgar // wandering_king
Equius Zahhak // buildsm00chbots
Feferi Peixes // punsonporpoise
Heine Rammsteiner // stray_dog0303
Hiei // jaganshihiko
Karkat Vantas // adorablood
The Rock // papa_was_a
Rydia // summonerofmyst

If you were accepted on the weekend of May 14th, we expect full activity to have been met for the month of May! The following characters have not responded to the activity check, and need two posts (network or log) or a post and some threads to meet activity for this month!

Sasha (Athena) // loveandwar
Takuma Ichijou // sparklepiredesu
Wuertz // maskedbreathing

Everyone accepted on or after May 29th do not need to worry about May activity. However! We would like to take this time to invite you to hit up the Permanent Activity Post anyway, familiarize yourself with it, and start a thread for your character, because in a few weeks we're going to be asking for links to your activity in June.

Aziraphale // manicuredangel
Bernkastel // walpurgisnyan
Flynn Rider // pilesofmoney
Fran // hatethehat
Himura Kenshin // flipblade
Ikuto Tsukiyomi // deviantstray
Johan Andersen // allthecolour
Krohiten // likesfather
Kurt Hummel // forgoodfashion
Leeron // dexterity_test
Loki Laufeyson // oneformischief
Madoka Kaname // redbullmagica
Rachel Berry // forgoodromance
Tamaki Suoh // daddysaysno
Vincent Nightray // quietus_muris

One last note! We stop checking this page after the 16th, so if something comes up and it's after that date, please IM or PM gundamkiwi! (AIM = gundamkiwi)

!activity check

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