Activity check!

May 31, 2010 03:39

Make sure you read everything behind the cut!


How this page works:

  1. Post a comment to this entry, using your character's journal. Leave the character's name and fandom in the subject, and leave the comment itself empty - or write a joke, if you feel like it.
  2. Make a note of where your comment is. Save the link if you want to, because you'll need it later.
  3. Reply to that comment with the links to your activity, using the provided form. Put the month the activity is for in the subject.
  4. Do this separately for all your characters. We know it's tempting to be lazy and make one joint comment for all your characters, but resist that temptation!
  5. In the future, find your character's comment (from point one on the list) and reply to it again with the new activity.

There are several different ways to meet AC:

×) 2 network posts (one open, one of your choice)
×) 2 log posts (one open, one of your choice)
×) 1 network post, 1 log (open or closed)
×) 1 network post and either a Super-Thread or a series of Mini-threads, OR log participation.
×) 1 open log post and either a Super-Thread or a series of Mini-threads, OR log participation.

1) We have an activity requirement of two posts per month -OR- one post and a thread or several threads.

2) All characters MUST make at least one post per month. This can either be a network post -OR- an open log post that anyone - and more than one person! - can respond to.

3) All posts, whether Network or Log posts, fall into one of two different categories:

There are two different types of network entries: The Public Post and the Private Post:

× A Public Post is geared towards inviting as many players to tag in as are interested to. Almost all network posts in the gargleblasted community are public, and therefore Public Posts, as well as all open logs. (More info on logs below)

Two or more people can make a post together, and they can all now use that post towards meeting AC. However, if we notice only one person actively tagging the post, the other character(s) can risk penalty for thread dropping (see details under that section below).

The only exception to this is if the network post is ICly locked to only a handful of people. For example, if Duo made a locked post to one of his friends on the network and that was the only post he made all month, he couldn't use it to count for AC by itself, since no one else would have been able to participate. However, if he makes a second, public post that anyone can see and react to, then he can use both of those posts towards the monthly check.

Which leads us to...

× The Private Post, which, since it limits the number of players who can participate in it, is limited in how it can count for AC. A Closed Log or Private To:... network entry can not be used as a stand-alone post. This type of post must be paired with a Public Post or Open Log in order to count towards the activity check.

There are two log types: Open and Closed.

× Open logs are often similar to journal entries focused on action-based tags that anyone can join. For example, an open log is posted in the log comm wherein Duo can be found in the hangar working on his Gundam. Anyone is free wander by in person and tag him. Since this set-up is practically identical to most network posts, it's possible to use this post to count as a Public Post towards post requirements.

An open log can only be used to count for a "post" requirement by the people mentioned in the log summary. For example: Duo and Shinpachi post an open log which anyone can join. Either of them can use that log to count for one of their post requirements. After a while, Kratos tags in and makes everything hideous. Kratos can't use that log to count for a posting requirement, since he wasn't part of the initial log set-up, but any of his comment threads have the potential to become usable for a Mini-thread proof of activity (See point 4).

If two or more people post an open log together, but only one person actively responds to people who tag in, the others risk penalties for threaddropping (see details below).

× Closed logs are, as the name implies, 'closed'. Participation is limited to whichever players decided they wanted to do a log, and often says so in the log summary. A closed log can be used to meet posting requirements as a Private Post.

Since logs (closed ones in particular) by nature move more slowly than network posts, we'd like to see at least ten comments made by your character when you link us to a closed log. For example, if Duo and Shinpachi are in a closed log together, and Duo uses the log to count for his activity, he needs to have commented back to Shinpachi at least ten times. Similarly, if Shinpachi wants to use the log to count for his activity, he'll need to have commented to Duo at least ten times.

4) You may also use comment threads in place of a second post. There are a couple of different ways to do this:

× The Super-thread: In the gargleblasted community, this comment thread MUST contain AT LEAST twenty comments by YOUR CHARACTER. It's not a twenty comment total for the whole thread - the thread's total comments will be sitting at or over forty. While sometimes it's unavoidable, please try not to use a thread like this with the same character two months in a row.

× The Mini-threads: Also in the gargleblasted community, if your character is a social butterfly who is more inclined to commenting around over the course of the month than to making a lot of posts, you can link us to a series of 2 threads in which your character makes 15 comments each, or 3 threads in which your character makes at least 10 comments each, or a number of threads (try not to make it more than 3 or 4!) that combine to make 30 comments.

× Log participation: If you tag into an open log in the stop_panicking community, you can use the thread that results from it as an alternative to posting a network thread. Since log threads tend to be slower-moving, and more prose-heavy (whether or not they're prose or action), we're not looking for super-long threads here, though if that does wind up happening, that's more than fine too! When linking to a log thread, it's okay if it's only a few comments long - 3 comments by Gon and 3 responses by Shinjiro, for example. HOWEVER, (and this will be covered more in point 5), we'll be keeping an eye on these for thread dropping. If Shinjiro links to to a log thread that's only a few comments long that he ended up dropping, then we might ask him for additional proof of activity, either another log thread or a network thread. But if the thread that Shinjiro links to is one that Gon dropped, he won't be penalized, because he's waiting on a response.

5) On Thread-dropping. We all do it from time to time, and usually, it's not a huge deal. Life happens, you forget about or lose interest in a thread, whatever. However! If we notice a player making a habit of thread-dropping in network posts or open logs that they've posted, we're going to ask for more activity from them for the next month. To clarify:

× Duo makes a network post that gets a lot of responses from a lot of different characters. If he responds once or twice to each reply and then drops the threads after that, we'd ask his player to do something extra for the AC the following month, probably by linking us to two or three full Mini Threads in addition to the usual two posts (in which we will also expect to see more effort made at continuing threads past one or two replies!).

That is a lot different than if this happens:

× Duo makes an open network post that gets a grand total of zero responses. Maybe his post got pushed down by a crush of new characters' intro posts, maybe it just wasn't dynamic enough to encourage participation. Whatever the reason, if a network post that is used in the AC didn't get any responses, it still counts for full activity, because we're not going to penalize the player if no one responds to them!

× OR if Duo's post gets a lot of responses which he then replies to, only to somehow have all of the threads dropped by the other players, then again, there won't be any penalty for Duo's player.

6) If you've been listed as IDLE on the monthly AC results post and don't get in touch with us by the 15th of the current month, you will be removed from the community.

For New Characters Only:
If you were accepted during a weekend that allows you more than two weeks to play in any given month, we expect you to meet full activity. If you were accepted during a weekend that gives you less than two full weeks to play in any given month, the only activity we request from you is a network post. Of course, if you've done more than that or even met full activity, feel free to share that as well!

We begin tallying AC on The 7TH of the following month, so you still have time to post the previous month's activity into the first week of the new month. However we will not accept any posts that are dated later than the Last day of the month in question. The only people exempt from sending us links are those on hiatus, and we'll check for them. GET CRACKIN'

Please do not reply to this post with any feedback or ooc comments. If you have any questions about how this works, please PM gundamkiwi or hit her up on AIM at 'gundamkiwi'.

!activity check

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