This is just a reminder about the Great Thorian Elevator Strike that will be happening Thurs, Nov 3rd, through Sun, Nov 6th. All details are over
here and please continue to plot amongst yourselves. There are a lot of characters being offered up on that post, so give it a rebrowse if you didn't get any responses the first time.
On the other hand, if you are happy to simply get tossed together randomly, please reply to this post here with your characters and I will pair them up. I'll post the list on Tuesday to give a couple days for further plotting. The plot will begin on Thursday with a post from either
steelalchemy or
shamelessweed, so keep an eye out for that.
The IC times for the elevator stoppage each day is as follows: (timezones are irrelevant just keep the time for each day in mind when you make your posts)
Thurs. Nov 3 ⇒ 8AM-10AM (during the morning rush to work)
Fri. Nov 4 ⇒ 4PM-6PM (during the afternoon rush home from work)
Sat. Nov 5 ⇒ 11PM-1AM (to screw with anyone trying to have a night out)
Sun. Nov 6 ⇒ 7PM-9PM (seemed like a reasonably high traffic time)
Also, welcome to all the fresh meat, I mean new players! Please feel free to jump in on this! Browse around the
previous post for someone to toss your characters at, or just drop them here in this post for some randomized fun.