Hermione Granger was...confused, terribly confused. She didn't remember being taken last night and certainly didn't recall being held underwater. And this was for Viktor Krum's second task? He was so deeply concerned for her as she was revived from the magical effects that kept her safe underwater, holding her in a rather aggressive bear hug when
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She sighed, looking up just a bit, still hugging her knees to her chest. She wanted to hide. Or better yet, she wanted to take the timeturner and undo this entire rubbish day. She didn't quite know how this happened - how she went from being obnoxious know-it-all Hermione Granger to still being know-it-all Hermione Granger, Fred Weasley's girlfriend, Harry Potter's best friend, and, apparently, the love of Viktor Krum's life. Okay, she was exaggerating that last bit. She hoped.
"In the muggle world, we have these things called restraining orders. It keeps people away that you don't want near you, mostly for safety purposes. Considering I was kidnapped for his task, I do believe this qualifies..."
Then he asked the question that had been on his mind since he found out Hermione was taken as Viktor Krum's most important person,"You...I mean...you don't..." He paused to collect his thoughts. "You don't like him, right? I mean I know we have talked about it. But..." He trailed off. He hated being like this but he was Weasley and they didnt have the best of luck. His family was a joke in the wizarding world plus they were broke. Viktor could give her more. "Never mind. I am starting to sound like Ron."
He turned his mind to how he could make Viktor Krum pay...
She was rather proud of herself for that flicker of a moment. But then her thoughts turned sour again. "Seriously, how do I keep him away? I've told him he's just a friend. Clearly he thinks otherwise. The whole school knows we're together. I don't know what else to do."
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