Apr 14, 2013 17:32
Hermione Granger was...confused, terribly confused. She didn't remember being taken last night and certainly didn't recall being held underwater. And this was for Viktor Krum's second task? He was so deeply concerned for her as she was revived from the magical effects that kept her safe underwater, holding her in a rather aggressive bear hug when he was allowed. As soon as she was cleared, she rushed inside to the safety of Gryffindor tower, to her shared room. She changed clothes, desperate to get dry and not wanting to smell Krum anywhere near her. What was he thinking?
As students began to come back inside, she left just as quickly. She took a couple of textbooks in her bag and narrowly escaped questions. She didn't want to see Ronald right now - he would probably have some nasty quip about the whole thing, and she couldn't take that. Most importantly though, she was terribly concerned about what Fred would say. What any Weasley would say to her right now, really. She went the only place she knew where Fred would look for her that was also safe from everyone else.
The lake, by now, was becoming quiet again. She wondered if the giant squid was disturbed... She just sat there in the grass, silently staring into the water, where she'd been held as someone else's most important... Ugh, she couldn't even go there. She just couldn't. She shook her head; her hair was still a messy heap of damp curls. She hugged her knees to her chest and sighed. Fred couldn't be cross with her; this wasn't her fault... was it?