Early, yes - but it's never too soon to spread the word. Allow me to draw your attention to this review by m'friend Jules Jones, who very firmly refuses to allow friendship to get in the way of a damn' good notice. Money shot: "this series is breathtaking, in concepts, in story and in prose."
I am given to understand that in the States, the Library Journal is a big thing: the Organ of the Trade, as it were. Every librarian reads it, and we like librarians
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If you go here, you can read (and look at!) an essay by Robert Hunt, on how he created the cover art for Jade Man's Skin. The process is fascinating, for those of us who cannot draw. Also, there are tigers.
I am just beginning to wonder whether ironic detachment is quite the right position from which to be watching the denouement of what ought to be a gripping & involving fantasy trilogy
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M'very good friend desperance has been heard to say - more than once, because he does love to quote himself - that in the last analysis all fiction is about betrayal. I say that you need a looser definition than most people work with, but that's Chaz: go off to the loo and he's never quite sure you're planning
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Everything fell all apart for a while there. Slowly, slowly we are putting stuff back together. Here, for example, is a kitty-cat, to make everything better: