I don't know much about clothes, but my hair looks fierce.

May 11, 2010 00:15

Yesterday, I went to the movies for the first time in almost a year, because sapience14 was willing to drive all the way down here to go to Iron Man 2 with me. I love Robert Downey Jr. and explosions, and so I was thrilled. Also happy to see them flesh out Pepper Potts as a human being. There would have been more of a review, but really, that's it: it's not ( Read more... )

skating, movies, femslash10, recs

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Comments 6

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mosca May 11 2010, 21:10:24 UTC
You can't say I didn't warn you.


frogy May 11 2010, 14:29:26 UTC
Oh Jeremy. I don't get how Johnny is too gay for the USFSA, but Jeremy's twitter is a-okay.

Do you get those daily unicorns from somewhere, or do you source them yourself? Basically, they are amazing and there can never be enough unicorns.


mosca May 11 2010, 21:18:15 UTC
Jeremy is shyer and more under the radar than Johnny. Also, it helps to be the reigning National Champion, top US finisher at Worlds, and generally good-natured. He plays USFSA's game, and USFSA lets him wear eyeliner.

I have been finding the unicorns on my own. I actually have a backlog.


frogy May 12 2010, 01:29:19 UTC
Well then thanks for the unicorns. They totally make my day.


hermionesviolin May 11 2010, 22:44:11 UTC
I now feel that there should be a daily unicorn Tumblr :)


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