Also, my cats are going to fucking starve to death.

Jan 05, 2009 23:46

1. I had this awesome plan for my yuletide recs this year. I put them all in a private post and updated as I read fics I liked, and then I forward-dated it and made it public, and then I realized that if you do that, it doesn't go on people's friendslists and nobody ever sees it. I've always felt that my Yuletide recs lists are more useful to me than to ( Read more... )

yuletiiiiiiide, football, bones, gossip girl

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Comments 3

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mosca January 7 2009, 06:04:25 UTC
I don't think I'll be fannish about it, but it's been fun to watch. I like my tacky procedurals!


callmesandy January 6 2009, 05:27:54 UTC
I meant to mention Scott Lowell on Leverage to you but I wasn't sure you'd enjoy the show so it seemed pointless.


mosca January 7 2009, 06:05:26 UTC
You could have mentioned it anyway! (You never think I will like anything. You have no faith in me.)

Seriously, some hilarious overacting there which was perfect for the role.


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