Also, my cats are going to fucking starve to death.

Jan 05, 2009 23:46

1. I had this awesome plan for my yuletide recs this year. I put them all in a private post and updated as I read fics I liked, and then I forward-dated it and made it public, and then I realized that if you do that, it doesn't go on people's friendslists and nobody ever sees it. I've always felt that my Yuletide recs lists are more useful to me than to anyone else - they're sort of a record of what I read, so when six months from now if anyone asks me if there's good Mad Men slash I have an answer. Nonetheless: The first of what will probably be about three sets of recs, in a diverse set of fandoms.

2. I have been watching Leverage and liking it fine. I can't believe I am saying this about a former Buffy actor, but Christian Kane is fantastic in it, despite his disturbing, greasy David Foster Wallace hair. Today I watched one that had been sitting on my DVR for a little while, and look, it's Scott Lowell with a beard! I like to say I make my own fun, but really, actor bingo makes my fun for me.

3. Speaking of which, I watched the first episode of Bones that has Sweets in it and I kept going, wow, that actor's voice has gotten really deep since he was on Freaks and Geeks. And also, WTF with all the child prodigies for no reason on procedurals? I have made peace with the thing where I will turn 30 before I have my Ph.D., and there is no need to rub it in. Actually, what I do is get all defensive, like, "His dissertation was probably shite."

4. Following yesterday's excellent game of football, I now understand why my dad kept telling me I should love the Baltimore Ravens. I do not understand their wacky bizarro passing strategies, but they punished the Dolphins and are therefore my New Favorite for the duration of the postseason.

5. There was new Gossip Girl tonight, and the only things I remember are
a. Blair's incredibly gorgeous little black dress and little black hat.
b. In the last scene, Nelly Yuki's camel-and-brown wool houndstooth coat? That is my winter coat, too! I am as stylish as... the nerdy girl on Gossip Girl.
c. Chuck basically telling Dan, "She's practically your sister, so you should stop dating her and go back to fucking me in the butt."
d. It's getting to the point where I'm not so much watching this show as collecting things to say on the phone to thistle90 afterward.

yuletiiiiiiide, football, bones, gossip girl

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