Fic Index.

Jul 22, 2015 12:55

I have been needing to do this for a long time, what with the over a hundred stories in over 40 fandoms. This is a list of stories that are currently available somewhere in this LJ, or for which there is a very permanent offsite link. My website went down for good a couple of years ago; I am veeeery gradually restoring fic that was only available ( Read more... )

complete fic list, fanfic

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Comments 24

mmeguilotn October 10 2009, 17:12:48 UTC
Hey, I wanted to ask if you minded talking to me about You're the figure skating person on my flist, so I thought you might know. I'm trying to decide whether to buy a subscription, but I'm not real clear on what they provide. For example, do they have commentary and replays and stuff like a TV network or is it just the arena feed? (I'm not smart enough about skating to follow it without commentary.)

(I would have sent you a message to avoid cluttering up your comments, but you don't have messages enabled from users you don't have friended.)


mosca October 12 2009, 22:33:23 UTC
Sorry to be slow -- I haven't been on LJ in almost 2 weeks and have my comment notifications turned off. Since I so often turn off my notifications, I don't have PM enabled; I looked like an asshole for three or four people because I just didn't see that they'd PMed me.

IN sometimes has commentary for major events, but not always. Last year there was definitely commentary for US Nationals and for at least some of the Grand Prix. It's pretty amateurish, though; they call a lot of the jumps wrong. A lot of the time, it is just the arena feed. But you do get footage of all the skaters from all the events, both live and on demand.


mmeguilotn October 15 2009, 16:56:28 UTC
Thank you for responding! That's actually really helpful because it's probably not worth the $30 bucks for me. Damn, I really miss the ESPN contract.


takarai_karin April 23 2010, 06:10:41 UTC
Oh thank heavens. You're magic. I need to friend you. Like- yesterday.

Hope you don't mind, the name's Karin and I'm a lurker fan =P


smellyleaf May 19 2011, 06:59:25 UTC
Thanks for the mention on Handbasket News (LJ Pingbot told me) of my fanfiction 'Fuck You.' I appreciate it a lot!! I would have messaged you, but you have them set to private.



minerva_fan July 31 2011, 03:56:59 UTC
Came for the ER Femslash, stayed for the WIN! :D


mosca July 31 2011, 17:55:39 UTC
Awesome! Thank you!

I wrote those ER fics so long ago, it seems like another lifetime, so I love that you're finding them and enjoying them for the first time.


minerva_fan July 31 2011, 20:53:14 UTC
Never watched the show when it was on the air; only started watching because I love love love Alex Kingston as River Song in Doctor Who. Of course, now my partner and I are madly in love with the show (started watching S4), especially Elizabeth and Kerry. So your fics are a treasure trove.


minerva_fan August 4 2011, 01:15:30 UTC
would you be willing to list the stories of "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Redhead" in order? I'm adoring them, but my utterly linear Taurus of a wife is unable to relax and enjoy them willy-nilly. I would be ever so grateful.


oonaseckar January 30 2014, 15:33:38 UTC
Hey there, friended you, just keeping track in case of updates. *waves*


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